
Fieldpiece Instruments Inc.: Refrigerant Leak Detector

May 4, 2009

The SRL8 heated diode refrigerant leak detector offers three sensitivity levels at the push of a button. The heated diode sensor is very sensitive to CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, and blends, delivering sensitivity better than 0.1 ounces per year. It triggers on absolute refrigerant concentration. The instrument defaults to auto zeroing mode when switched on and refreshes every two seconds until a leak is detected. Technicians can switch also to manual zeroing mode to help pinpoint leaks, even in contaminated areas. The detector has the added protection of a replaceable water-blocking filter that keeps moisture and contaminants from reaching the sensor, helping prevent contaminant-related failure and slowing the degradation associated with all heated diode sensors. Technicians have the option of muting the audible alarm. A magnetic hanger allows technicians to hang the unit out of the way when repairing leaks. Replacement sensors are available. The SRL8 comes standard with a hard case, uninstalled heated diode sensor, a rechargeable lithium ion battery, wall and car charging units, 9-inch flexible and rigid extension wands, 10 replacement filters, and five O-rings.

Fieldpiece Instruments Inc., 1900 E Wright Circle, Anaheim, CA 92806; 714-634-1844; 714-634-1848 (fax); www.fieldpiece.com

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