Large Commercial Scroll Compressor

Danfoss Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Large Commercial Scroll Compressor

May 21, 2012
Large Commercial Scroll CompressorWith a capacity of 25 tons of refrigeration, the Performer® SH295 scroll compressor for air conditioning has been added to the manufacturer’s large commercial scroll compressor portfolio. The unit features a 3.25/W coefficient of performance and cooling capacities that range from 183 to 374 kBtuh/53 to 110 kW at 60 Hz and 150 to 310 kBtuh/44 to 90 kW at 50 Hz. The compressor’s large operating envelope allows good performances in a wide range of applications, including extreme conditions, the company said. The compressor uses lead-free bearings and other environmentally friendly materials that ensure 100 percent compliance with the restricted use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS). In addition, the compressor has a surface sump pump heater, patented by the manufacturer, which contributes to noise reductions of 2 to 4 decibels, with a multiplying effect on sound in multiple scroll systems. All Performer SH295 compressors include an oil equalization fitting and an oil sight glass, reducing applied systems costs and inventory complexity and cost.

Danfoss Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

eProduct 181