
NADCA Avoids Chemicals

January 14, 2013

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. — The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) is urging professionals to avoid using chemicals to clean and maintain air duct systems, instead hoping they’ll use the Assessment, Cleaning, and Restoration (ACR) standard of physical source removal, which has been deemed the best technique for cleaning and decontaminating HVAC systems.

“The physical removal of contaminants and debris is the ideal method for cleaning HVAC systems,” said Matt Mongiello, president of NADCA. “Source removal is also the safest method because it will decontaminate HVAC systems without the use of chemical products.”

NADCA also suggests professionals do not overuse antimicrobial products understand the difference between ductwork and HVAC systems, and use chemicals in an air conveyance system only when the product is legally approved for the task for which it is being used.

Publication date: 1/14/2013