Portals Plus, a Hart & Cooley Inc. brand: Rooftop Pipe-Mounting Pedestal

Portals Plus, a Hart & Cooley Inc. brand: Rooftop Pipe-Mounting Pedestal

August 12, 2013

Portals Plus, a Hart & Cooley Inc. brand: Rooftop Pipe-Mounting PedestalThe Pedestal Plus is a pipe-mounting pedestal used for rooftop applications. The Pedestal Plus features a white, UV-stable, reinforced PVC base made from 25 percent recycled material. This base design allows the pedestal to qualify for up to three LEED accreditation points. The Pedestal Plus can accommodate several rooftop piping applications — including gas, refrigeration, electrical, and solar conduit lines — from ½ to 4 inches in diameter. It supports multiple pipes and up to 150 pounds. Two models are available for the Pedestal Plus: the standard unit or a U-Channel assembly. The standard unit includes all necessary installation hardware and a perforated plumber strap to secure the piping to the pedestal. The U-Channel allows for pipe clamps and roller assemblies to be used to secure pipes in place of the plumber strap.

Portals Plus, a Hart & Cooley Inc. brand

eProduct 184 

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