
EPA Cautions Against Using Propane-based Refrigerants

FBI Joins EPA in Issuing Warnings About Unapproved Refrigerants

August 11, 2014

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is cautioning homeowners, manufacturers of propane-based refrigerants, home improvement contractors, and air conditioning technicians of the safety hazards related to the use of propane in existing motor vehicle and home air conditioning systems. The EPA says a number of unapproved refrigerants with “22a” or “R-22a” in the name contain highly flammable hydrocarbons such as propane. The FBI has joined the EPA in issuing warnings and has launched an investigation into the sale of unapproved refrigerants. Specifically, it says the two agencies, along with the U.S. Department of Transportation — Office of Inspector General, “are conducting an investigation into a flammable refrigerant sold as Super-Freeze 22a, Super-Freeze12a, Super-Freeze 134a, Enviro-Safe 22a, and R134a.”

Publication date: 8/11/2014

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