Editor's Blog ACHR NEWS

Calling All Contractors

July 31, 2015

When the heating or air conditioning systems stop working, especially in extreme weather conditions, HVAC contractors are often the first responders and save the day by restoring the equipment to working condition or by offering replacement alternatives.

Once a month, The NEWS likes to highlight contractors in the HVACR industry by featuring their business in a story. Maybe you’ve read about how Climatech Inc., located in Pittsburgh, has been diversifying. Or, maybe you’ve seen Ruthrauff Service LLC, also in Pittsburgh, recently celebrated its 80th anniversary. Or how Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing, Heating, & Air, a company founded in 1918, is now capitalizing on new talent and technology.

What’s your story? How did your business get its start? How are you dealing with the ever-changing technology in the industry, or recruiting and hiring amidst a growing labor shortage? Where do you see your business in the future?

We’re currently looking for top-notch contractors to feature in The NEWS. If you would like to participate, contact me at nicolekrawcke@achrnews.com.