Malco Products Inc.: Aviation Snip

Malco Products Inc.: Aviation Snip

November 23, 2015

Company: Malco Products Inc.

Product: Malco Aviation Snip

Description: The Malco Aviation Snip fits with either the original Max2000 handle grips or Max2000 Classic, a traditional gripped version. Original Max2000 Euro-styled ergonomic handles feature textured, solid-colored, molded, thermoplastic grips and finger stops that complement a narrower handle opening to fit large or small hands. An ambidextrous, thumb-operated handle latch and replaceable compression spring complete the design. The Max2000 Classic features a wider handle opening and retro-styling. It also features flexible, duo-colored, molded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) grips and stops; a side-operated handle latch; and a torsion-style spring.

Contact: 320-274-2376; www.malcotools.com

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