
Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning Reveals Wish to Dallas Fourth Grader

February 21, 2018

Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning, a sponsor of Make-A-Wish, hosted a wish reveal party for 10-year-old wish kid Payton of Lake Dallas, who suffers from cerebral infarction. After announcing an initial donation of $150,000 to Make-A-Wish, Service Experts, one of North America’s largest heating and air conditioning companies, surprised Payton with some exciting news.

The wish reveal took place at Service Experts’ North American headquarters in Plano. Payton, who was under the impression that he was sharing details about his Make-A-Wish journey, sat down for a mock news conference with Scott Boose, CEO of Service Experts. After a Q&A with both Scott and the audience, Payton was told that his wish was being granted as confetti cannons blasted and music from his favorite band, Metallica, played.

“We got an idea of what kind of young man we were dealing with when we read Payton’s touching letter about his wish to go on a cruise with his family,” said Boose. “Then, during our ‘news conference’, I asked him what makes him feel the strongest. His immediate answer was ‘my family, because they push me and they support me.’ What a special opportunity for our team to be part of this brave and poised young man’s wish experience – we can’t wait to hear more about his adventure.”

The Service Experts North American partnership with Make-A-Wish will touch the hundreds of US and Canadian communities Service Experts serves out of its 89 service centers. Make-A-Wish fulfills a unique mission of creating life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. A wish experience can be a game-changer, and tens of thousands of volunteers, donors, and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish vision to grant the wish of each of these children.

Since 1980, Make-A-Wish has granted hundreds of thousands of transformative wish experiences worldwide. The organization’s vision is to grant the heartfelt wish of every eligible child battling critical illness. In North Texas, Make-A-Wish is working to make this a reality in the 161 counties it serves.

Publication date: 2/21/2018

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