
Fujitsu General America: Thermostat Converter

May 21, 2018

Company: Fujitsu General

Product: UTY-TTRX

Description: Fujitsu released this thermostat converter for its high-efficiency Halcyon mini-split and Airstage VRF heating and cooling systems, which allows the Fujitsu system to be controlled by a third-party thermostat. Up to 16 indoor units can be controlled as a group by a single thermostat converter. It works in conjunction with all condenser and evaporator types. By installing the converter between the third-party thermostat and Fujitsu system, control of the heating and cooling system is provided, including on/off control, operation mode, room temperature, fan speed, and error notifications via LED lights. 

Contact: 888-888-3424; www.fujitsugeneral.com;

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