BDR Offers Virtual Training Sessions for Contractors in May
Sessions equip home service professionals to navigate the COVID-19 crisis and prepare for future success
SEATTLE — Business Development Resources (BDR) is continuing to deliver guidance and education to contractors nationwide during the COVID-19 crisis with online training sessions in May on finance, management, and leadership.
BDR will host two online sessions for business owners, managers, and office staff next month: Kim Archer, BDR’s vice president for dealer coaching services, will present Accounting and Office Management on May 5-7, and Chris Koch, BDR’s vice president of services, will lead Creating the Next Generation of Company Managers on May 12-14.
“Many contractors are just focused on continuing to provide the essential HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services their communities rely on,” Archer said. “BDR’s mission is to help them get through these difficult times safely while remaining financially secure. Our May online sessions are based on long-term strategies that can be implemented now for immediate results and will also prepare contractors for growth and continued success on the other side of this pandemic.”
BDR’s online workshops offer access to the same complete training as the company’s live events from the convenience of your desk. The sessions deliver real-time access to trainers for discussions and questions. Sessions are broken up into multiple mini-sessions to help contractors absorb and retain the information covered.
“Strategic financial management and leadership can be difference-makers in an economic slowdown,” Koch said. “We’re addressing two of the most urgent issues for many contractors with these courses. It’s essential to be proactive in these challenging circumstances. We want to lead companies to keep an eye on their long-range plans and successfully adapt so they’ll be in position to thrive when the crisis is over.”
Archer is the lead trainer for BDR’s Accounting and Office Management and QuickBooks for Contractors financial courses. She is the architect of BDR’s Profit Launch business planning workshops and created templates used to produce hundreds of monthly financial statements, with combined client revenues of more than $1.8 billion.
Koch brings nearly three decades of HVAC experience to BDR’s clientele. His experience, ranging from startups to companies with $60 million in sales, has given him exposure to many ways of doing business. He is a team-building leader and possesses vital hands-on experience in the industry.
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