
Modine Manufacturing Co.: Bipolar Ionization

October 5, 2020

Company: Modine Manufacturing Co.

Product: NPBI™

Description: Partnering with Global Plasma Solutions®, the company released a patented, auto-cleaning, needlepoint bipolar ionization product that combats airborne pathogens and particulates to provide a safer and healthier classroom environment. With multiple mounting options as well as carbon fiber and composite construction, the technology offers durability, energy savings, reduced pressure loss, odor control, particle reduction, and smoke control. The plug-and-play kits for Modine school products can be installed in products such as the Airedale ClassMate® DX Cooling and Heat Pump, the Airedale SchoolMate® Water/Ground Source Heat Pump, the Airedale Sentinel® Vertical Unit Ventilator, and Horizontal and Vertical Unit Ventilators. A factory-installed option will be available soon.

Contact: 262-636-1200, www.modine.com, eProduct 188

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