LGM Series: Air Handling Units
Company: Aspen Manufacturing
Product: LGM Series
Description: The 120-volt LGM Series offers installation versatility. The units are shipped as upflow or horizontal right and can be converted for downflow or horizontal left installations onsite by HVAC technicians. When a proper metering device is used, the LGM Series units are ETL listed for use with R-22 or R-410A refrigerants. In addition, they can be AHRI certified with most brands of air conditioners or heat pumps. Available in 2- through 4-ton cooling capacity without electric heat, all LGM Series models are backed by a 10-year limited warranty. All LGM Series models feature a high-efficiency 120-volt ECM motor with factory programmed software to control motor speeds and torques. Rail-mounted blowers allow easy removal during service and routine maintenance by HVAC technicians. An electronic control board includes a blower time delay which helps to maximize heat/cool extraction and offers an integrated fuse.
Contact: (800) 423-9007; www.aspenmfg.com
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