Hamlin Sheet Metal sales reps are an extension of company
Hamlin Sheet Metal, now in its 65th year in business, has chosen to market their spiral duct and flat-oval products through manufacturers’ representatives.
Spiral ductwork has become more and more of a commodity item. While at one time there were few manufacturers, now the access to spiral duct is more readily available than ever before.
However, the commodity item becomes unique when you add insulation, flanges, and mounting taps. The product becomes even more unique when you utilize any metal outside of galvanized or special gauges are required.
By working through manufacturers’ representatives, not only can they promote the use of Hamlin duct, but they can also work along with the engineer to have spiral round and flat products specified for the project.
In having other business with the local contractor, they can assist in coordination of a complete duct package arriving together and ready to install. This delivery is scheduled with other items the rep may be providing to ensure that coordination has been done to guarantee that all the parts work together well.
Hamlin Sheet Metal counts on their representatives to do just that. Get specified, make sure we turn out a bid in the manner our customers want it broken out, and then close the deal! While each contractor may have different ideas of what works best for their field crew, with the support of Hamlin employees, our rep can offer time-saving opportunities for the field.
Hamlin Sheet Metal has learned that we can grow with our customers, and we try to keep an open ear for their input. They keep us abreast of what is going on in the industry and at times also give specific advice — watch these trends for new ideas; try this new connector; this price is too expensive; you need better lead times; increase the social media presence, etc.
Hamlin Sheet Metal prides itself in providing a good product and providing good tools of education for our entire customer base. Hamlin provides yearly training classes as well as weekly newsletters to keep our name, our happenings, and our product in front of our representatives. Our representatives will tend to put their best effort into selling the products from people they trust, products that they are comfortable with, and teams they enjoy doing business with.
Introducing: Our Hamlin Sheet Metal Representatives
Hamlin Sheet Metal is proud to be represented in the Carolinas by Faulkner Haynes. This is one manufacturer rep firm moving toward the future.
Based in Raleigh, North Carolina, and with branches all over the Carolinas, Faulkner Haynes reached a crossroads a few years ago. Realizing that they would need to make changes to succeed, things were set in motion that would take years to complete.
Chuck Faulkner, president of Faulkner Haynes, states, “Our marketplace has changed. With the advances in technology, we don’t have the same luxury of time that we had twenty or forty years ago. Like it or not, Amazon.com has raised the bar for how people order things, and they have created an expectation for digital tools that are available to their customers.”
He continues, “To meet those needs, we have spent years developing e-commerce tools for our customers. Our stocking warehouses can now receive orders 24 hours a day at FH247.com, and our customers can now visit our Customer Portal site to view the status of their order and invoices. We have always believed that service is our final product. These digital tools are part of that vision.”
While we all like to talk about our digital initiatives, Faulkner Haynes’ headquarters in Raleigh can show you. For the past year, their new office building, training center, and warehouse have stood as a showcase for the various manufacturer lines that they represent.
Realizing that people aren’t as willing to take long trips to visit a manufacturer’s facility, Faulkner Haynes has created multiple demonstration layouts for their various equipment lines that let people see each product in action. They talk about wanting to show things in their best light, whether it is the sample data room or the exposed spiral above their open cubicles.
Metal is an important part of their rebranding. The office layout feels like a mix of modern and industrial styles, which emphasizes corrugated metal and Hamlin Sheet Metal’s exposed ductwork as a way of combining the foundation of the past with the digital wave of the future.
Stocking Hamlin spiral duct, fittings, and accessories for the local Charlotte and Raleigh markets is another example of Faulkner Haynes addressing the need for speed in this rapidly changing industry. No matter how much things may change in the coming years, Hamlin Sheet Metal and Faulkner Haynes shows that there is clearly a place for sheet metal products to remain as an essential part of our industry.
Hamlin Sheet Metal has representatives all over the east coast. If you are a contractor, we can direct you to a representative in your area. If you are a manufacturers representative in need of a good duct line, feel free to contact us.
For more information, call 919-894-2224 or visit hamlincos.com.
This article originally appeared in the Janurary 2020 issue of SNIPS magazine.