
HARDI partnered with Distro, which offers software for distributors, to create AskA2L, a chat feature that employs artificial intelligence.

Image courtesy of Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International

HARDI's New AI Feature Helps With Refrigerant Transition

March 27, 2024

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) is offering access to an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that will help HVACR distributors navigate the transition to A2L refrigerants.

AskA2L is an interactive chat that employs AI to find accurate, real-time guidance on the transition, according to a statement from HARDI. Its answers take into account information such as location, product category, recent legislation, and more.

Ask A2L is constantly updated with new information to make sure the answers it provides are accurate, HARDI said. Distributors can also have AskA2L access embedded on their websites.

HARDI partnered with Distro, which offers software for distributors, to create AskA2L.