
2017 AHR Expo breaks three records, says show organizers

February 20, 2017

The 2017 AHR Expo in Las Vegas has officially broken three of the show’s all-time records, according to show organizers the International Exposition Company. The show was held Jan. 30-Feb. 1.

With 68,615 attending the 2017 show, AHR Expo superseded its former all-time attendance record of 61,674 (set at the 2015 show in Chicago) by 11.2%. This number was also 28.7% greater than the overall attendance (totaling 53,324) at the last AHR Expo held in Las Vegas in 2011.

Additionally, the 2017 show’s exhibits occupied a total of 500,159 net sq ft, breaking the AHR Expo all-time record set in 2015 in Chicago at 486,600 net sq ft.

At 48,568, the total number of 2017 AHR Expo visitors also surpassed the show’s all-time visitor attendance of 42,887, set in 2014 in New York, by 13.2%. This number additionally surpassed visitor attendance (33,612) at the last AHR Expo held in Las Vegas in 2011 by 44.5%.

“We are beyond proud to see evidence that the AHR Expo continues to grow in both attendance and size, as well as in alignment with the HVACR industry at-large,” said Clay Stevens, president of International Exposition Company. “It’s such an exciting time for the industry right now, and that was prominently reflected in the level of enthusiasm and the wide scope of ingenuity seen on the 2017 show floor in Las Vegas. We look forward to our continued production of this premier platform for HVACR innovation, idea exchange and business development, and specifically to our 2018 show in Chicago.”

The 2017 show’s nearly 11.5 acres of exhibit space was occupied by 1,968 exhibitors, 259 of which participated in the AHR Expo for the first time. A notable 20,047 exhibitor personnel staffed the exhibits in Las Vegas, representing a majority of the U.S. geographic landscape, as well as 32 outside countries.

A total of 14,825 international visitors attended the 2017 show from 165 countries, along with 541 international exhibitors.

“We’ve been exhibiting at AHR Expo for more than 10 years — it has consistently proven to be a well-organized show, and provides a good turnout of attendees,” said Mark DeNovellis, global product manager for Amphenol Advanced Sensors. “There was a really good mix of international visitors this year in particular, and I believe this is in part due to the fact that Las Vegas is a destination draw for international travelers. Overall there was lots of energy and excitement on the show floor.”

In addition, exhibitors at the 2017 AHR Expo underscored the importance of the show’s ability to facilitate face-to-face interaction as part of the annual exhibition experience.

“Participating as an exhibitor at this year’s AHR Expo gave us a lot of opportunities, the best of which was meeting customers we talk to all the time but never really get to see in person,” said Kyle Cruise, outside sales for Connect-Air in Auburn, WA.  “Hands down, this was an event worth attending, and we already can’t wait for 2018.”

The next AHR Expo, co-sponsored by ASHRAE and AHRI, will be held January 22 to 24, 2018 at McCormick Place in Chicago. For additional information, visit www.ahrexpo.com.