
Extech Instruments Corp.: THERMOMETER DATALOGGER

November 2, 2000
The new Model 422130 J/K thermometer datalogger features dual inputs and displays from Type J or K thermocouples. It can store 8,000 measurements in up to 255 recording sessions. Each record also stores the time, T1 and T2. The datalogging rate is adjustable between 1 sec and 60 min. Recorded data can be transferred to a PC via a RS-232 interface. The unit provides min/max/average and relative readings, and is supplied with a 9V battery, Type K bead-wire temperature probe, software, Windows 95/98-compatible software, RS-232 cable, and carrying case.

Extech Instruments Corp., 285 Bear Hill Rd., Waltham, MA 02451-1064; 781-890-7440; 781-890-7864 (fax); extech@extech.com (e-mail); www.extech.com (website).

Circle eProduct #186

Publication date: 11/06/2000
