
Contractors Targeted by Con Artists

December 7, 2000
ARLINGTON, VA — As one of the largest categories of advertisers in Yellow Pages Directories, hvacr, electrical, plumbing, and other contractors have been targeted by con artists sending out fraudulent Yellow Pages invoices. With this “bogus” invoice scheme hitting contracting companies in every industry nationwide, the Better Business Bureau (BB) and the Yellow Pages Publishers Association (YPPA) encourage those who suspect they have been targeted to report the situation to either organization.

Ron Berry, senior vice president for the Council of Better Business Bureaus, said, “It is not necessary to have been victimized in order to make a report. Once the BBB has informa-tion, we can warn other businesses, making it more difficult for con artists to successfully prey on those who don’t recognize the scam.”

Contractors are urged to contact their state BBB by telephone. Incidents may also be reported online at www.yppa .org or www.bbb.org (website).

Publication date: 12/11/2000