
Testo: Combustion Test Kits

August 24, 2000
Four new combustion test kits are available for the fall heating season. The residential-light commercial kit, the 325, features a portable combustion efficiency analyzer. The 300M commercial-industrial kit measures O2, CO2, CO, °F, pressure, differential pressure, efficiency, and excess air. For more advanced industrial-commercial needs, the 300XL is equipped to handle sophisticated industrial combustion tasks, says the company. The carbon monoxide and gas leak detection kit features the 315-2 ambient CO analyzer and 316-1 leak detector.

Testo, Inc., 35 Ironia Rd., Flanders, NJ 07836; 800-227-0729 or 973-252-1720; 973-252-1729 (fax); info@testo.com (e-mail); www.testo.com (website).

Publication date: 08/28/2000
