
LAMA Books, Leo A. Meyer Associates Inc.: FANS AND V-BELTS LITERATURE

April 6, 2002
Authored by Leo Meyer, the book Fans and V-Belt Drives, a part of the Indoor Environment Library, covers fans and V-belt drives without use of highly technical language. Chapter topics include fan terms and safety, how to change and adjust V-belt drives, diagnosing fan problems, service and maintenance, and how to calculate rpm, cfm, and static pressure.

LAMA Books, Leo A. Meyer Associates Inc., 20956 Corsair Blvd., Hayward, CA 94545-1220; 888-452-6244 or 510-785-1091; 510-785-1099 (fax); lama@lamabooks.com (e-mail); www.lamabooks.com (website).

eProduct #195