
CMS Viron Lands Performance Contract From PA School District

September 17, 2001
OVERLAND PARK, KS — CMS Energy Corp.’s energy performance contracting unit, CMS Viron Energy Services, announced that it has been awarded a performance contract valued at $2.4 million from the Chambersburg School District in Chambersburg, PA.

CMS Viron is providing facility upgrades for a Chambersburg middle school that will lower energy and operational costs by an estimated $130,000 a year. CMS Viron will retrofit interior lights, install temperature control systems, convert the heating system from electricity to fuel oil, install trash compactors, and provide water-conservation measures. Energy performance contractors use the energy savings to pay for equipment upgrades.

An energy audit conducted by CMS Viron is said to have shown that the school had overpaid its water bill because the existing meter had been operating inaccurately. This change has resulted in a refund to the school of $150,000.

“In addition, CMS Viron is creating an energy action plan that will use a licensed teacher on staff [at the school] to provide curriculum enhancements, working with after-school clubs and science classes to make students more aware of saving energy,” stated Bill Viverito, business development manager for CMS Viron.

“Based on students and teachers being more aware and providing their input to our project, we expect to be able to reduce energy use by an additional 1 percent.”

CMS Viron Energy Services specializes in energy performance contracting and energy-efficiency projects.

For more information on performance contracting, go to www.viron.com. For information on CMS Energy, visit www.cmsenergy.com.

This report provides information for contractors living in the North Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. This includes Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. If you have information from this region, please contact Greg Mazurkiewicz at 810-296-9580; 810-296-9581 (fax); or mazurkiewiczg@bnp.com (e-mail).

Publication date: 09/17/2001