IAQ Guidelines for Buildings Stall Out in Texas Legislature
September 19, 2001
The Texas House of Representatives passed three Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) bills last April but the future of their passage by the Senate remains very cloudy.
The three bills are:
House Bill 2006, which requires air-quality testing within 90 days after officials build or “substantially renovate” a public school building. It also mandates superintendents to require IAQ tests due to occupant illness, which could be caused by poor IAQ.
House Bill 2007 would require the Texas Board of Health to draft mandatory air-quality guidelines for newly-built or substantially renovated public school buildings after the bill takes effect. It also requires the board of directors to consider the effects of air contaminants and insufficient ventilation on health and related matters.
House Bill 2008 would establish IAQ guidelines for state or local buildings in Texas.
HB 2006 and 2007 did not pass out of the Senate Education Committee and as one source said “are essentially dead for this legislative session.” HB 2008 did make it out of the committee and was approved by the Senate, to take affect on September 1, 2001.