
ARES, Division of Mars Air Systems: MAKEUP AIR UNIT

April 6, 2001
The new Mercury Series direct-fired makeup air unit can be used in a wide array of heating applications, the company says. With a cascaded burner, hot surface ignition, and safety controls with LED status lights, it is designed to ensure no room for error, says the company. The temperature control is capable in some units of a turndown in excess of 65 to 1, the manufacturer says. The unit can operate individually or can be connected to an energy management system for monitoring and adjustments to meet individual temperature control demands.

ARES, Division of Mars Air Systems, 14716 S. Broadway, Gardena, CA 90248; 800-421-1266 or 310-532-1555; 310-324-3030 (fax); aresinfo@marsair.com (e-mail); www.marsair.com (website). eProduct #185

Publication date: 04/09/2001
