

November 24, 2002
Designed specifically for use with Gastite corrugated stainless steel tubing, these tubing cutters give a quick, clean cut for optimal flaring across all diameters of flexible gas piping, the company states. The GTCutter-SM is designed for tube diameters between 3/8 and 1 inch, which are commonly installed on single-family residences. The GTCutter-LG is designed for 1/2- to 2-inch tubing for industrial, commercial, and large multifamily residential projects, the manufacturer says. Each new cutter comes with its own built-in spare blade. Additional replacement blades are sold in separate packs of five.

Gastite, Attn: Tania Pierre-Kopy, marketing coordinator, 603 Hendee St., Springfield, MA 01139-0054; 413-739-5631; www.gastite.com (website).

eProduct #185