
Propane Education and Research Council: Cogeneration Appliance

July 24, 2003
Marathon Engine Systems’ “ecopower” propane-fueled engine-driven cogeneration Micro-CHP (combined heat and power plant) appliance gets rid of the need for individual furnace, water heater, and prime or standby power generation, says the organization. The Micro-CHP generates 2.2 to 4.7 kW of electrical power and 6.6 to 13.8 kW of thermal power. It has an overall efficiency of 92 percent. The Micro-CHP offers residential users a reliable heating and energy source in locations not served by gas mains and power grids, states the organization.

Propane Education and Research Council, 1776 K St., NW, Ste. 204, Washington, DC 20006; 202- 452-8975; 202-452-0954 (fax); www.usepropane.com or www.propanecouncil.org.

eProduct #185