
AHR Expo Exhibitor List

January 9, 2004
Here is an alphabetical listing of exhibitors at the 2004 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo), to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, Calif., Jan. 26-28, 2004.

Note: This is a partial list supplied as of December 5, 2003.

A K Coatings Inc. 2759

A.I.T. (Analytical Index Technologies) 3046

A-1 Components Corp. 4629

ABB Inc., Drives & Motors 2110

AC Technology Corp. 1040

AC/R Latinoamerica/U.S. Div. 3243

AC/R Latinoamerica 3243

ACAL New York Inc. 4535

Accu Aire Controls 6944

Ace Boiler Inc. 4310

Acetec, Co.Ltd. 8629

Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. 4418

Acme Engineering Products Inc. 4357

Acme Engineering Products Ltd. 4357

Acme Manufacturing - A div. of Standex Air Distribution Products 6033

Acotech 7657

ACP Termotecnica Ltd. 3113

ACR Systems Inc. 3421

Action Duct Cleaning Co. Inc. 2043

Active Radiator 8742

J.E. Adams Industries Ltd. 4150

Addison Products Co., Div. Heat Controller Inc. 5118

Admiraly Thailand Co. Ltd. 7510

AdobeAir Inc. 7029

Adrian Steel Co. 5161

Advance Controls Inc. 2940

Advance Cutting Systems 5120

Advance Products & Systems Inc. 2716

Advanced Air (UK) Ltd. 3710

Advanced Cable Ties Inc. 2815

Advanced Control Technologies Inc. 1734

Advanced Test Products, An SPX Co. 6427





Advantech Automation Corp. 1736

AEC Design Group 6850

Aeolus Corp. 8040

AERCO International Inc. 6733

Aereon Solutions 7736

AERMEC S.p.A. 7725

Aerofin Corp. 6370

Aeroflex USA/Eastern Polymer Industry 6448

Aeroflo Inc. 4770

Aero-Flo Industries Inc. 8333

AESYS Technologies LLC 4546

Jackson & Church HVAC Global

York - Shipley Global

Air Balance - A Mestek Company 6429

Air Comfort Products/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News 5318

Air Cube 4970

Air Filter Alert Inc. 2725

Air Managers 5820

Air Movement and Control Association International Inc. (AMCA International) 7812

Air Quality Engineering Inc. 7813

Air Trade Centre International 8134

Airco 4925

AirConcepts Inc. 5946

Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) 4910

AirCraft HVAC Products LLC 8612

Aircuity Inc. 6048

Airdex Corp. 7840

Air-Drive Inc. 6054

Air-Duct Manufacturing Inc. 8338

Air-Duct West Inc. 8338

Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. 2836

Airguard 6725

AirMate 7110

Airpure Filter Sales & Service Inc. 4157

AirSeal Filter Housing Inc. 4157

Airtec Products Corp. 5843

AirTest Technologies Inc. 2414

Airtherm - A Mestek Company 6429

AirTree Ozone Technology Co. 2925

Airxchange Inc. 6657

Ajax Boiler Inc. 4310

AKH Inc. 8334

Alaska Sheet Metal Inc. 8338

Alberta Custom Tee Ltd. 3646

Alcantara Machado (Febrava) 1847

Alco Manufacturing - A div. of Standex Air Distribution Products 6033

Alerton Inc. 2538

Alfa Laval Inc. 5920

Allanson Environmental 2713

All-State 5233

AllStyle Coil Co.LP 7918

ALNOR 6123

ALP s.r.l. 2720

Altex Fabric Cutting Co. 3354

Amarillo Chittom AirFlo 8116

Amarillo Gear Co. 8116


Ambiance International LLC 2259

Ambi-Rad 8018

Amcot Cooling Tower Corp. 7920

American ALDES Ventilation Corp. 3127

American Auto-Matrix 2134

American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA) 8012

American Coil 3252

American Coolair Corp. 4359

ILG Industries

American Cooling Tower Inc. 8524

American Cylinders LLC 2554

American Hood Systems Inc. 2932

American HVAC Mfg. Inc. 2354

American HVAC Products 1654

American LOKRING Corp. 4045

American Power Conversion (APC) 3015

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc. (ASHRAE) 6210

American Trading & Logistics Company/Tozen Enterprise Co. 2835

American Ultraviolet Co. 3146

American Water Heater Co. 5152

American-Marsh Pumps 7738

Amiad Filtration Systems 2344

Amprobe 6427

AmSolv 8744

AmTech Inc. 8734

AMTROL Inc. 5035

Anamet Industrial/Anaconda 5140

ANCHER Technology Inc. 1642

Anderson Metals Corp. Inc. 8115

Anemostat - A Mestek Company 6429

Anglo-American Enterprises Corp. 8815







ANSYS Inc. 6833

Antunes Controls 5144

Antunes Filtration Technologies 5144

Anvil InternationalInc. 3329

API International 4154

Appliance Magazine 3131

Appliance Manufacturer Magazine 5318

Aprilaire 4520

APS Arosio/Modular Framing Systems 4120

APV Products - Heat Transfer 4055

Aqua Systems Inc. 4345

Aquacool - Weather-Rite 7633

Aqua-Flo Inc. 3336

Aquatechnologies Inc. 8170

Architectural Grille, Div.of Giumenta Corp. 6025

ARCOM/MASTERSPEC Specifications 6933

ArctiChill 8557

ARES (A div. of Mars Air Systems) 4110

Argo Technology Inc. 4925

Armacell LLC 4448

Armstrong Air Conditioning Inc., Div. of Lennox International Inc. 4720

Armstrong International Inc. 4918

Armstrong Pumps Inc. 5170

Arzel Zoning Technology Inc. 4433

ASC Capacitors/American Shizuki Corp. 3554

ASCO General Controls 4710

ASHRAE Bookstore 6210

ASHRAE Journal 6210

ASHRAE Research 6210

ASI Controls 1638

ASI 4244

Aspen Pumps Ltd. 5845

Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) 5135

AST ElectroFin Inc. 2612

ATCO Rubber Products Inc. 7818

Atlanta Special Products Div., Pace Machinery Group Inc. 4959

Atlantic Chemical & Equipment Co.(ACE) 5253

Atlantic Ultraviolet Corp. 8418

Atlas Sales & Rentals Inc. 7048

Atmosphere Inc. 8534

Atmospheric Glow Technologies 1756

Aurora Pump Co. 4727

Auto Tran Inc. 2312

Autodesk Inc. 6770

Autoflame Engineering Ltd. 7744

Automated Logic Corp. 2029

Automatic Filters, Inc./TEKLEEN 5054

Automatic Timing & Controls 4240

Automation Components Inc. 1636

Avaho Industries, Member of Marduk Holding Co.LLC 5529

Avnan Electro Inc. 8342

AZ Instrument Corp. 8554


Babbitt Steam Specialty Co. 2345

Bacharach Inc. 3046

bacotex SWITZERLAND 8435

Badger Meter Inc./Data Industrial Products Group 2429

Baldor Electric Co. 4527

Baltimore Aircoil Co. 6420

Banner Sales Co. Inc. 7832

Bard Manufacturing Co. 6710

Bay State Cable Ties LLC 2655

BCA Technologies Inc. 1745

Beckett Corp. 5910

Beijing International Exhibition Center of CCPIT Beijing Sub Council (BIEC) 8729

Beijing Wallong Imp. & Exp. Corp. 8632...8645


Belimo Aircontrols (USA) Inc. 2540

Bell & Gossett 5110

Belleville Wire Cloth Co. Inc. 2747

Berko Div., Marley Engineered Products, An SPX Co. 4548

Berner Energy Recovery 3010

Berner International Corp. 3010

Best Partner Trading Co. 8322

Bestech Industrial Co. 8322

BetaTHERM Corp. 2412

BETECH Inc. 4818

Big Ass Fans 7670

Bioclimatic Inc., Air Purification Systems 6140

Bitwise (Thailand) Co. Ltd. 7510

Bitzer Canada Inc. 3510

Bitzer Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH 3510

Bitzer US Inc. 3510

B-Line Systems Inc. 3242

Blissfield Manufacturing Co. 4325

Blue Book, The 8754

Bluegrass Technology Inc. 6932

Blygold America Inc. 3544

Blygold LA 6023

BNP Media 5318

Bradford White Corp. 3718

Braeburn Systems LLC 4652

Brainerd Compressor Inc. 3313

Bramec Corp. 4552

Brass Aluminum Forging Enterprises 7831

Brass Craft Manufacturing Co. 3312

Brawo Brassworking SpA 6810

Bray Controls 1740

Breidert Air Products 7032

Brimar Industries, Inc. 3333

Bristol Compressors Inc. 6520

Broad Air Conditioning 7933

Broad USA Inc. 7933

Broan-NuTone LLC 7729

Browning 4510

Bry-Air Inc. 7723

Buderus Hydronic Systems Inc. 8752

Buffalo Air Handling Co. 6370

Buffalo Pumps Inc. 6370

Building America Program 2833

Building Design & Construction/RBI 3318

Building Operating Management 7814

Buildings Magazine 8335

Burny 6948

Burr Oak Tool and Gauge Co. Inc. 7925

BVA Oils Inc. 3256

C & D Valve Manufacturing Co. 3418

C.A. Schroeder Inc. – CASCO 1670

C.I. Group Co. Ltd. 7510

Cain Manufacturing Co. Inc. 4420

Cal-Fin, California Finned Tube Co. 8510

California Flex Corp. 1670

Callabresi Combustion LP 2443

CALMAC Manufacturing Corp. 6735

Calorie SA 6752

Cambridge Resources 8514

Cambridge-Lee Industries Inc. 3156

Cameron Great Lakes Inc. 8746

Cam-Stat Inc., Sub. of A-1 Components Corp. 4629

Camus Hydronics Ltd. 2446

Canatal International Inc. 3534

Can-Filters Canada Ltd. 7954

Cantherm Distributors 2649

Carbon Resources LLC 3020

CAREL S.p.A. 3020


Carlin Combustion Technology 8170

Carlyle Compressor Co. 5710

Carnes Co.Inc. 4940

Carrier Aeroseal LLC 8823

Carroll Manufacturing International 7945

Carson Industries LLC 4752

Castel Engineering NV/SA 8122

CB&I (Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.) 3425

CCI Thermal Technologies Inc. 6127

CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of Int'l. Trade Machinery Sub-Council) 8440...8546

CD adapco Group 6820

Cemline Corp. 7824

Central Blower Co. 8343

Century Div., Heat Controller Inc. 5118

Century Refrigeration 4970

CertainTeed Corp. - Mechanical Insulation 7118

Cerus Industrial 2323

CES Wireless Technologies 6824

Cesco Products - A Mestek Company 6429

Ceylan Consulting 8516

Champ-Air Refrigeration Hardware Co. Ltd. 8043

Champion Cooler/Essick Air 4127

Chemical Processing 3144

Cheminee Lining.E Inc. 8357

Chevrolet, GM Fleet and Commercial 8348

Chief Engineer Magazine 2056

China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export for Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME) 8632...8645

China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (CRAA) 8729

China Yangzi Group Chuzhou Yangzi Air Conditioner Co. Ltd. 8540

Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR) 8729

Cimberio Valve Co. Inc. 2552

Cimetrics Inc. 1829

CIMTEC Inc. 2352

Circon Systems Corp. 1834

Circul-Aire 3520

City Technology Ltd. 7054

Clean Seal Inc. 7025

Cleanroom Systems 1870

Clearwater Systems LLC 2848

Cleaver-Brooks 5040

Cleveland Controls 5910

Cleveland Tool & Machine Inc. 2452

Climatech International S.A. 5923

ClimaTech Safety Inc. 2825

ClimateCraft Inc. 4661

ClimateMaster Inc. 2946

Climatizacao 3055

Climatizacion y Refrigeracion 3055

Cliplight Manufacturing Co. 2970

Clive Samuels & Associates/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

CMP Corp. 6548

Coil Co. LLC 8246

Coleman Cable/Baron 3224

Colmac Coil Manufacturing Inc. 4238

Columbus Electric, Div. of TPI Corp. 6510

Columbus Industries Inc. 5154

Comefri USA, Inc. 6646

Comfort-Aire Div., Heat Controller Inc. 5118

Comitale National Inc. (C.N.I.) 3334

Commercial Acoustics, A Div. of Metal Form Mfg. Co. 2827

Commercial Aire Products 8831

Compressor Parts & Repair Inc. 8152

Compu-Aire Inc. 4757

Compusource Corp. 6942

Computair Ltd. 6852

Computer Process Controls/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Conbraco Industries Inc. 2850

Condenser and Chiller Services 8510

Connect Air Wire & Cable 2322

Connecticut Electric & Switch Mfg. Co. 3147

Construction Solutions LLC 8415

Consulting-Specifying Engineer/Reed Business Information 3318

Contemporary Controls 2415

Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) 1537

Continental Control Systems, LLC 2434

Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. 4770

Contracting Business Magazine 4748

Contractor Magazine 4748

Control Air, A member of Marduk Holding Co.LLC 5529

Control Products Inc. 2422

Control Resources Inc 2432

Control Techniques/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Controle de Contaminacao 3055

Controlotron Corp. 2340

Convair Cooler Corp. 2870

Cool Products 4929

Cool Tube Inc. 7037

Coolerado 8613

Cooline Air Conditioners 6745

Cooline America Corp. 6745

Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) 1648

Cooper B-Line 3242

Cooper-Atkins Corp. 6246

Copeland Corp./Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Copper Key International 4959

CorrView International LLC 8413

COSMOGAS Heating Systems 4142

Cozy/Louisville Tin & Stove Co. 3140

CPS Products Inc. 6618

Cramer Co. 2669

Crane Pumps & Systems - Weinman Pumps 7929

Creative Metals Div., Leader Industries Inc. 3412

Cristopia Thermal Energy Storage Inc. 2814

Critical Environment Technologies 2324

Crowley Co./Multi-Wing America Inc. 6557

Crown Products Co. Inc. 8338

Crown Unlimited Machine Inc. 7052

CSA International 5252

Curran International 8513

Custom Coils Inc. 8331

Custom Foam Treatments 3354

CyberTech International 2057

D/N Thermal Energy Systems 2757

Daehung Precision Co. Ltd. 2743

Dais Analytic Corp. 8216

Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co. Ltd. 4761

Danfoss Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration 4729

Danfoss Graham, Div.of Danfoss, Inc. 4729

Danfoss Inc. 4729

Data Aire Inc. 4638

Data Industrial Products Group/Badger Meter Inc. 2429

Data-Basics Inc. 6927

Dayus Register & Grille Inc. 3112

DBK Technology Ltd. 3233

DBK USA Inc. 3233

DecoShield Systems Inc. 8836

Dectron Internationale 3520

Deflecto Canada Ltd. 3229

Deflecto Corp. 3229

Delhi Industries Inc. 4252

Delta Control Products Inc. 1929

Delta Controls Inc. 1027

Delta Cooling Towers Inc. 7057

Department of Export Promotion, Thailand 7510

Dependable Refrigeration Inc. 1754

Des Champs Technologies 5148

Desert Air Filter Factory (DAFF) 2444

Desert Aire Corp. 3633

Desiccant Rotors International 2740

Desiccant Rotors International USA LLC 2740

Design Master Software Inc. 6957

Design Polymerics 3324

Design Services Network/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Design2FAB Software Inc. 6948

Discount Refrigerants Inc. 2554

Diseno y Metalmecanica S.A. de C.V. 8416

Distech Controles Inc. 1940

Distribution Services/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

DiversiTech Corp. 4740

D-Mark Inc. 8113

Dodge Engineering & Controls Inc. 2418

Domestic Pump 5110

Dongyang Refrigerating Components Factory 8546

Dorin, Mario S.p.A. 4325

Dormont Manufacturing Co. 5942

Doucette Industries Inc. 8010

Dow Chemical Co., Mechanical Pipe Insulation 6145

Dow Chemical Co. 6143

Dow Chemical Heat Transfer Fluids 6143

Dowco Div., Safe-Air of Illinois Inc. 4852

DrawTech Inc. 6835

Dresser Instruments 6648

DRI-STEEM Humidifier Co. 4520

DriTherm Inc. 3115

Drossbach GmbH & Co. 4818

DryKor Ltd. 7746

Dryomatic, A member of Marduk Holding Co. LLC 5529

DSS Industries 8657

DU-CO Ceramics Co. 8323

Ductmate Industries Inc. 6118

DuctSox Corp. 3559

Dundas Jafine Inc. 6754

Dunkirk Boilers 4925

DuPont Co. 4938

DuPont Engineering Polymers 4938

DuraLast Products Corp. 3227

Duro Dyne Corp. 5836

Duro Zone a div.of Duro Dyne Corp. 5836

Dust Free LP 6170

Dwyer Instruments Inc. 5018

Dynaforce (A div. of Mars Air Systems) 4110

Dyn-Air/Carlisle 6627

Dynasonics 5820

Dynatemp International – Rhodia 4348

E + E Elektronik Ges. m.b.H. 1540

E Instruments Group LLC 1945

Earthship USA Co. Ltd. 2059

EASCO Boiler Corp. 7935

East Coast CAD/CAM 6970

Eastern Polymer Industry 6448

Eaton Electric 4338

Ebac Industrial Products 7040

ebm-papst Inc. 4646

Echelon Corp. 2310

Ecko Tool & Die 7052

Eco Manufacturing LLC 8812

Ecofit s.a. 8710

Ecoflex Systems 7844

ECOM America 3424

Econofrost/Promolux 7825

Ecospec PTE LTD. 8535

ECR International 4925


Argo Technology Inc.

Dunkirk Boilers

EMI (Environmaster International)

Olsen – USA

Olsen – Canada

Oneida Royal

Pennco Boilers


Ultimate Boilers

Utica Boilers

EDC International Inc. 5157

Educational Services/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Edwards Coils Corp. 4345

Edwards Engineering Corp. 4345

Eger Products Inc. 2045

EGS/Easy Heat 5014

Elanmax Co. Ltd. 7842

Elbi of America Inc. 7938

Electrica s.r.l. 3447

Elemco Building Controls Inc. 2442

Elite Software Development Inc. 6940

Elodrive USA Inc. 2035

Embassy Industries Inc. 4140

Embraco North America Inc. 6520

EMCO Flow Systems, Engineering Measurements Co. 1831

Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Air Comfort Products

Clive Samuels & Associates

Computer Process Controls

Control Techniques

Copeland Corp.

Design Services Network

Distribution Services

Educational Services

Emerson Motors

Emerson Power Transmission

Flow Controls


Retail Services


Ventilation Products


Emerson Motors/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Emerson Power Transmission/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

EMI (Environmaster International) 4925

Empire Machinery & Tools Ltd. 7952

Empresas Mayer, S.A. de C.V. 8243

Energy Recovery International (ERI) 5040

Energy Saver, A Div.of Metal Form Mfg. Co. 2827

Energy Saving Products Ltd. 2370


Energy User News 5318

Engel Industries Inc. 6218

Engineered Systems Magazine 5318

Enstar Air Conditioning Inc. 3552

Ensto Control Oy 8515

Envirco 6310

Environmental Design and Construction 5318

Environmental Dynamics Group Inc. 4020

Environmental Technologies Inc. 4561

Environmental Tectonics Corp. 2816

Eonmetall (USA)Inc. 3016

Eonmetall Technology Sdn. Bnd. (Malaysia) 3016

era - Elektrotechnick GmbH 1738

ERICO Inc. 8431

Essick Air/Champion Cooler 4127

Estimation, a TradePower Solution 6848

ETRI 8710

Eubank Manufacturing 6310

Eucania International Inc. 3445

Everhard Products Inc. 7927

EWC Controls Inc. 4323

Excellence/Alliance Inc. 1959

Extech Instruments Corp. 4340

Extol of Ohio Inc. 3335

EZ Trap Inc. 5845

F & Q Pumps Inc. 2255

FabricAir Inc. 3529

FAFCO Inc. 3214

FanAm, Inc. 4047

Fantech Canada 4557

Fantech Inc. 4557

FASCO Motors 5138

FASSON (Avery Dennison) 6740

Fast Heat Inc. 1746

Faster Inc. 7923

FBS SpA 7748

Fedders Appliances 6310

Fedders Corp. 6310

Fedders Indoor Air Quality 6310

Fedders International 6310

Fedders Unitary Products 6310

The Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA) 2447


Fenwal 2729

Ferris State University HVACR Programs 3132

Fiberbond Corp. 8318

Fieldpiece Instruments Inc. 4133

FieldServer Technologies 1842

Filtrair B.V. 5327

Filtrair Corp. 5327

Filtration Group Inc. 4455

Filtration Manufacturing Inc. 3446

Fincor Automation Inc. 2040

Firespray International Ltd. 8244

Fireye Inc. 6248

The Flagler Corp. 6110

Flame Gard Inc. 2812

Flanders – CSC 4157

Flanders Filters Inc. 4157

Flanders International PTE Ltd. 4157

Flanders Precisionaire 4157

FlatPlate Inc. 5855

FleetBoss GPS Inc. 2733

Flex-Hose Co. Inc. 3070

Flex-Weld, Inc./Keflexâ„¢ Engineered Products 6152

Flood Master Inc. 1970

Flow Controls/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Fluent Inc. 6935

Fluid Dynamics Solutions Inc. 8324

Fluke Corp. 5933

FMC Lithium 3142

Foam Seal Inc. 2555

FOF Inc. 3643

Ford Wire & Cable Corp. 4350

Foster Specialty Construction Brands 8743

Fostoria Industries Inc., Div. of TPI Corp. 6510

Frame – Tec 2625

Friedrich Air Conditioning Co. 6610

Frigidaire, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Frostex 6027

Fuel Efficiency LLC 6057

Fuel Oil News 3314

Fujitsu General America Inc. 7310

Full Gauge Controls Ltd. 8832

The Fulton Companies 3210

Functional Devices Inc. 2427

Furigas 7657

Fusion Inc. 3025

Fusite/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Fuso Rikaseihin Co. Ltd. 2642

G. D. Commerce Co. USA Group 1843

GALCO - Dehon Group 2355

GAMA Certification Services 2756

GAMA, an association of appliance and equipment manufacturers 2756

Gamewell 2533

Gary Jonas Computing Ltd. 6844

Gaska Tape Inc. 8336

GASMASTER Industries Inc. 6457

Gastite Div./Titeflex Corp. 8427

Gaylord Industries Inc. 4457

GCI Refrigeration Technologies, A member of Marduk Holding Co. LLC 5529

GE Consumer Products 6338

GE Fuji Drives/A GE Industrial Systems Co. 2118

GE General Eastern/A GE Industrial Systems Co. 2118

GE Industrial Systems 2118

GE Industrial Systems Components/A GE Industrial Systems Co. 2118

GE Panametrics/A GE Power Systems Co. 2118

GE Thermometrics/A GE Industrial Systems Co. 2118

Gems Sensors Inc. 2438

Geneglace USA 3732

General Filters Inc. 5133

General Shelters of Texas 8054

Genesis International Inc. 2431

Genesolv 4746

Genius Air Conditioning Co. 1750

Genstar Technologies Co. Inc. 8340

Gentec 2333

Giacomini 7770

Gibson, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Gillette Generators Inc. 1748

Glasfloss Industries 8210

GM Fleet and Commercial 8348



GMC, GM Fleet and Commercial 8348

GMV Steinach GmbH 8516

Goettl Air Conditioning 6050

Gokceler Ltd. Sti. 8516

Golden Logic Inc. 8822

Goodman Co.L.P.-Amana Heating & Air Conditioning 5229

Goodman Manufacturing Co. L.P. 5229

Goodway Technologies Corp. 5246

Gordon-Piatt Burners/John Zink Co. LLC 6129

Goss Inc. 4854

Graham Corp. 6257

Grand D. K., Ltd. 7510

Grasslin Controls Corp./A GE Industrial Systems Co. 2118

Great American Coil Inc. 3125

Great Lake Fluid Air Inc. 8622

Greystone Energy Systems Inc. 2332

Gripnail Fastening Systems 5729

Grip-On 8815

Gripple Inc. 7854

Griswold Controls 3029

The Group Simoneau Inc. 8713

Grundfos Pumps Corp. 3159

GSW Water Heating Co. 5152

Guangdong Chigo Air-Conditioning Co. Ltd. 8440

Guangzhou Tili Refrigeration Equipment Co. Ltd. 8154

H I Solutions Inc. 2038

H2 Technologies 6943

Haci Ayvaz End. Mam. San Ve Tic A.S. 1852

Haier America 3518

Hailiang Group (USA) Inc. 8457

Halcor S.A. - Metal Works 6670

Hamlin Sheet Metal Co. 6748

Han Yung Aluminum Industrial Co. Ltd. 2948

Hanbell Precise Machinery Co. Ltd. 3538

Hansen Corp. 3124

Hardcast, Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Inc. 6627

HARDI (Heating, Airconditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International) 8224

HARP International Ltd. 3449

Harris Co., Inc., J.W. 6638

Hartell Pumps/Milton Roy Co./Sandycott 4427

Hays-Cleveland 5910

Hayward Industrial Products Inc. 2744

HCI (Hydronic Components Inc.) 5020

Heat Controller, Inc. 5118

Addison Products Co. Div.

Century Div.

Comfort-Aire Div.

Heat Pipe Technology Inc. 3315

Heat Transfer Products Inc. 2054

Heatco Inc. 7757

Heatcraft Outokumpu 5127

Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC 5527

Heatex America 2047

Heat-fab Inc. 6354

Heating & Cooling Products Mfg. Co. 8123

Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) 4916

Heat-Timer Corp. 3138

Henry Technologies Inc. 6038

HERCULES Industries 8338

Heresite Protective Coatings Inc. 6043

Herrmidifier 6310

HFC 8032


Highside Chemicals Inc. 4327

Hoffman Specialty 5110

Hollywood Trading Co. 8850

Holyoke Fittings Inc. 2834

Honeywell Environmental and Combustion Controls 3040

Honeywell International, GENETRON Refrigerants 4746

Honeywell Water Controls 3752

Honglim Industrial Co. Ltd. 8625

Houghton Chemical Corp. 8218

Howe Precision Industrial Inc. 8125

Howhi Air Conditioner Manufacture Co. Ltd. 8733

HPAC Engineering Info-dex 4748

HPAC Engineering Magazine 4748

HT USA Inc. 3036

Huangshi Dongbei Mech-Electrical Group Co. Ltd. 8543

Hubbell Special Products Inc. 3050

Hunan Fortune International Trade Co. Ltd. 8632...8645

Hunan Keli Motor Ltd. 8632...8645

HUNTAIR Inc. 1657

Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc. 6225

HVAC Insider 4135

HVAC Solution 6846


HVACR & Plumbing Distribution 4748

HVACR Newsâ„¢ 5235

hvactv.com 4459

Hydro Aluminum Precision Tubing 2359

Hydro-Balance Corp. 8615

Hydrosil International Ltd. 5024

Hyspan Precision Products Inc. 5140

i2 Trade Service 8268

IC Sensors 1758

ICC Industrial Chimney Co. Inc. 7650

Ice Energy 1952

Iceland Equipment Refrigerant Ltd., Part 7510

ICM Corp. 2137

ICOR International Inc. 4861

Ideal Tape Co. Inc. 5851

IKK - International Trade Fair Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation/VDKF 2055

IMI Norgren Inc. 3027

IMP KLIMA d.o.o. 3036

IMPAC, A member of Marduk Holding Co. LLC 5529

Imperial Air Technologies Inc. 4161

Imperial Manufacturing Group 4161

Imperial 4913

IMT Armaturen AG 5850

IMT Armaturen Corp. 5850


The Indigo Filter Co. 7852

Indoor Environment Communications 3246

Indoor Environmental Solutions Inc. 2842

Industrial Coating and Coil 6023

Industrial Combustion 5040

Industrial Hygiene News 8714

Industrial Steam 5242

Industrie Polidoro A. S.P.A. 2727


Innergy Tech Inc. 5240

Innotech Control Systems 1938

Innotech Pacific USA Control Systems 1938

Innovative Air Systems 2527

Innovative Energy Inc. 8114

Innovative Sensor Technology 1840

Innovative Solutions LLC 4054

Innovative Tools Inc. 2254

Inovonics Wireless Corp. 2315

InspecTech Analygas Group Inc. 8144

Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning

Industries Inc. (IHACI)/ Indoor Comfort News 8325

Insulation Buddy 8229

Insulation Solutions Inc. 8025

Insul-Tek® Piping Systems Inc. 2052

INTEC Controls Inc. 2410

InteliCAD Software 6950

Intellidyne 1943

International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) 8813

International Code Council 8433

International Diversified Marketing 2455

International Training Institute (ITI) 5940

International Water Makers 3520

Intertape Polymer Group 7820

Intertek ETL SEMKO 2820

Intertherm, International Sales Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Iowa Precision Industries Inc. 6910

IPAC Inc. 3520

IQAir North America Inc. 3059

Irega 8815

IR-TEC International Ltd. 2732

Islandaire Inc. 4254

Isolate Inc. 4123

ISTEC Corp. 2627

ISVAL SpA 2936

ITE 4353

ITT Industries - Fluid Handling Div. 5110

Bell & Gossett

Domestic Pump

Hoffman Specialty

McDonnell & Miller

J. L. Wingert Co. 8138

J/B Industries Inc. 6357

Jackson & Church HVAC Global (Div. of AESYS Technologies LLC) 4546

JARN Ltd. 3346

Jenco Fan 7032

Jiangsu Changheng Group Co. Ltd. 8730

Jiangsu Super Power Electric Manufacture Co. Ltd. 8444

Jobsite Magazine 2559

John Crane 2859

John Zink Company LLC/Gordon-Piatt Burners 6129

Johns Manville Corp. 4654

S.T. Johnson Co. 3110

Jomar International 5020

Gary Jonas Computing Ltd. 6844

Joseph A. Thomas Ltd./Bad Dog Tools 8770

J-Tec Associates Inc. 1743

Kamco Products Ltd. 2454

Kanalflakt 4557

Kanomax USA Inc. 3355

Kansas City Deaerator Co. 6757

Karl Dungs Inc. 7727

Kav Kor 1016

Kavlico Corp., A Solectron Co. 2420

KD Engineering 2845

KE Fibertec NA 1652

KeepRite Refrigeration/National Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Canada Corp. 2929

Kele Companies 2520

Kelvinator, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

KEP Industries Inc. 2755

Kestral Pocket Weather Meters 8424

Ketema L.P. 3120

Keystone Valve 2329

Kickstart® 3247


Kinetics Noise Control Inc. 4138

King Coils 4970

King-I Electronics Co. Ltd. 2734

Kite 7754

Klein Tools Inc. 8150

Klenk Tools, A Div. of Everhard Products Inc. 7927

Klimaire Products Inc. 1752

Klingenburg GmbH 4049

Klo-Shure Co. 7827

KMC Controls 2129

Knaack Mfg. Co. 4840

Knipex Werk 8815

Koax Corp. 2714

Koch Filter Corp. 2710

Kolbi Pipe Marker Co. 2635

Konveyor Sanayi Ltd. 8516

Kool Kap LLC 4333

Koolduct 3631

Korea Refrigeration Air-Conditioning Industry Association (KRAIA) 8622, 8722

Krack Corp. 4846

Kromschroder Inc. 8238

Krueger 6446

Kunkle Valve 2329

KUPO CO. LTD. 2857

Kwikool Portable Cooling Systems 4344

Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corp. 8616

Kyung Jin Blower Co. Ltd. 8722

L P International Inc. 8844

Laars Heating Systems/Waterpik Technologies 5310

LA-CO Industries Inc. 4920

LAKOS Filtration Systems 6040

JP Lamborn Co. 3155

Lambro Industries Inc. 8118

Lattner Boiler Manufacturing Co. 3415

Lawrence Industries 7718

Leader Dampers & Louvers Div., Leader Industries Inc. 3412

Leader Industries, Inc. 3412

Creative Metals Div.

Leader Dampers & Louvers Div.

Leading Edge, Marley Engineered Products, An SPX Co. 4548

Lectro-Truck/IMS Inc. 7647

Lennox 4627

Lenox® 8027

Leviton Mfg. Co. Inc. 3648

Lewis & Lambert 3222

LG Electronics U.S.A. Inc. 6540

Lifebreath/Nutech Energy Systems Inc. 8020

Lima Register Company/Milcor 7742

Lindab Inc. 5010

Lithonia Lighting 2342

Little Giant Pump Co., Sub. of Tecumseh Products Co. 6029

Lloyd Electric & Engineering Ltd. 1846

Locator Solutions International 8816

Lochinvar Corp. 4037

The Lockformer Co. 6910

Iowa Precision Industries, Inc.

LonMark Interoperability Association 2140

Loos & Co Inc. 1645

Louis-Allis Hermetics 3332

Louvers & Dampers - A Mestek Co. 6433

Loytec Americas Inc. 2334

LRC Coil Co. 2724

LT Copperâ„¢ 8133

LTG Inc. 5925

Lucas - Milhaupt, Inc. - A Handy & Harman Co. 6035

Ludeca, Inc. 4043

Ludlow Composites Corp. - Industrial Foam Div. 2752

Lumberg Inc. 2445

Lux Products 3216

Macurco 1836

Magic – Pak 4720

Magic Aire/Div. of United Electric Co. 8818

Maintenance Solutions 7814

Malco Products Inc. 6252

MA-Line Div. of Monti & Associates Inc. 5027

MAMAC Systems, Inc. 1920

Mammoth Light Commercial, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Manchester Tank & Equipment Co. 4153

Manrose Manufacturing Ltd. 1955

MAP CAD/CAM Systems 6924

Marathon International 3540

Marathon Special Products 2813

Markel Products Div. of TPI Corp. 6510

Marking Services Inc. 2823

Marley Cooling Technologies 4425

Marley Engineered Products, An SPX Co. 4548

Berko Div.

Leading Edge

QMark Div.

Marlo 7970

Mars Air Doors (A div. of Mars Air Systems) 4110

Mars Air Systems 4110

Marvair 7810

Mastercool Inc. 4146

Masterdigit.com 1733

Master-Fit Corp.7818

MasterFlux 4929

Maurey Manufacturing Corp. 2348

Maxitrol Co. 4640

Maxwell Systems Inc. 7033

Maytag, Div. of NORDYNE 5510

McDonnell & Miller 5110

McGill AirFlow Corp.,an enterprise of United McGill Corp. 5129

McGill AirPressure Corp., an enterprise of United McGill Corp. 5129

McGill AirSeal Corp., an enterprise of United McGill Corp. 5129

MeadWestvaco Air Systems 6140

Mechanical Ingenuity Corp. 8529

Mechanical Room Supplies LLC 8627

Mechanovent Corp. - A New York Blower Co. 6254

Mee Industries Inc. 5849

Meitong (Zhuhai) Mechanics Co. Ltd. 8148

Melink Corp. 2338

MEPCO - Marshall Engineered Products Co. 4232

Meritek Electronics Corp. 1747

Merycon Corp./UBUKATA 8227

Mesan Cooling Tower Ltd. 8254

Mestek Inc. 6429

Metal Form Mfg. Co. 2827

MetaLab Inc. 1944

METALAIRE, a div. of Metal Industries Inc. 3340

Metalbestos 7110

Metal-Fab Inc. 6629

Metalprint s.r.l. 7831

Metalurgica Ventisilva Ltda. 5254

Met-Coil International 6910

Met-Coil Systems 6910

Metraflex Co. 5334

Metrex Valve Corp. 5251

Meyer Machine & Equipment Inc. 3118

Mez Industries Inc. 8032

MFM Building Products Corp. 2636

MGI Technologies Inc. 2952

Miconair International Pty. Ltd. 4345

Micro Control Systems Inc. 3538

Micro Fused Sensors 1758

Micro-Turbine Heating Technologies 8824

Midco International Inc. 4246

Mid-Rivers Machinery 3212

Midwest Metal Products 3436

Midwest Tool and Cutlery Co. - Midwest Snips® 5944

Miljoco Corp. 3255

Mill Masters Inc. 7052

Miller, International Sales Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Miller-Leaman Inc. 3136

Millomat Stamping Inc./Accuburner Corp. 3348

The Mill-Rose Co. 6044

Milwaukee Valve Co. 6157

Minco Products Inc. 2413

Minnesota Flexible Corp. 8314

Minorplanet Systems USA 8750

Miro Industries Inc. 8042

Mitsubishi Electric 8520

Miura Boiler Co. Ltd. 5534

Miura Boiler Inc. 5534

Modular Framing Systems Inc. 5044

Monitor Products Inc. 8248

Moresupply Corp. 2046

Mortex Coating Services 8831

Mortex Products Inc. 8831

Movex Inc. 2550

MovinCool/Denso Sales California Inc. 6729

MPL 8013

MSA Instrument Div. 2810


MSI Sensors 1758

MSP® Technology LLP 4049

MTC 6948

MTE Corp. 8438

Paul Mueller Co. 6227

Mueller Gas Products 6635

Mueller Industries Inc. 6635

Industrial Products Div.

Mueller Gas Products

Refrigeration Products Div.

Standard Products Div.

Multicam, L.P. 2159

Multifan 3114

Multi-Wing America Inc., a Crowley Co. 6557

Munters Corp. 4827

Commercial Dehumidification Div.

HumiCool Div.

ME Div.

Mustang Co. 8533

Mycometer/Indoor Air Solutions 2637

Nailor Industries Inc./Advanced Air (UK) Ltd. 3710

Napoleon Fireplaces (Wolf Steel Ltd.) 7635

Nara Controls Inc. 2318

Nara E. & C. Inc. 7943

Nashua Tape Products 8327

National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) 8525

National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) 8033

National Biological Corp. 8131

National Combustion Equipment Inc. (NatCom) 5040

National Comfort Products 8038

National Compressor Exchange Inc. 2915

National Craft Industries Inc. 8315

National Energy Systems Inc. 5146

National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) 3435

National Environmental Products Ltd. Inc. 2738

National HVAC Products Inc. 8023

National Refrigerants Inc. 6654

National Refrigeration Products 6654

National System of Garage Ventilation 3322

Natural Resources Canada 8425

Nautica Dehumidifiers Inc. 4049

Naylor Publications 8834

NDL Industries Inc. 3057

Nebraska Boiler 5040

Neilsen-Kuljian Inc. 2742

Nelson Heat Trace 5014

NEOPERL Inc. 2831



Nicholson Steam Trap 2840

Ningbo Jingda Machine-Electric Science & Technology Co. Ltd. 1845

Ningbo Lion-ball Motor Co. Ltd. 8546

Ningbo Longterm Int'l. Trade Co. Ltd. 8733

Ningbo Minfeng Electrical Appliances Co. Ltd. 8632...8645

Ningbo Zhongli Industry Co. Ltd. 8233


NOR Service Inc. 3645

NORDYNE 5510, 5718

Frigidaire Div.

Gibson Div.

Intertherm, International Sales Div.

Kelvinator Div.

Mammoth Light Commercial Div.

Maytag Div.

Miller, International Sales Div.

Philco Div.

Tappan Div.

Westinghouse .

Norgren - KIP Fluid Controls 3027

Noritz America Corp. 5970

Norlok Technology Inc. 8329

NORTEC Industries Inc. 4445

North American Technician Excellence (NATE) Lobby entrance

Norton/Saint-Gobain Igniter Products 6352

NovaFlex Industries Inc. 7718

Novagard Silicones 2555

Novaplast A.S. 3248

Novar Controls Corp. 2018

NovelAire Technologies 2818

NSV Co. Ltd. 8512

Nu-Calgon Wholesaler Inc. 3310

Nueva Generacion Manufacturas SA de CV 8416

Nutech Energy Systems, Inc. – Lifebreath 8020

NuTone Inc. 7729

Nytrox Systems, Inc. 1854

Oakton Instruments 1844

OceanAire Inc. 2852

OI Analytical 1731

Olefini SA 5057

Olsen – Canada 4925

Olsen – USA 4925

OmegaFlex - A Mestek Company 6429

Omni Duct Systems 6851

Omron IDM Controls 1441

Oneida Royal 4925

Onicon Inc. 2518

Onset Computer Corp. 2634

Open Sky Software Inc. 6854

Oreco Duct Systems 8032

Orient Fan Co. 2923

Orival Water Filters 3223

Osceola Specialty Products, Solaireâ„¢ 8412

Outokumpu Heatcraft Commercial Products 5127

Outokumpu Heatcraft OEM Products 5127

Outokumpu Heatcraft 5127

Owens Corning 3410

P. C. Takashima (Thailand) Co. Ltd. 7510

P.E. Valve Co. Inc. 8523

P3 Srl 3546

P3 Venezolana C.V. 3546

Pace Machinery Group Inc., Atlanta Special Products Div. 4959

Pacer Industries Inc. 3413

Pacific Controls Co. Ltd. 8720

Pacific Gas & Electric 2050

Packless Industries 4229

Paco Pumps 4210

Pal International SRL 3631

Paloma Industries 3434

Panasonic Co., Building Dept. 2918

Paramount Concepts Ltd. 8225

Parker Boiler Co. 2350

Parker Hannifin Corp. 6340

Parker Hannifin Corp., Fluid Connectors Group 6340

Parflex Div.

The Pate Co. 6125

PCI Industries Inc. 5820

Peabody Engineering Corp. 8346

Peerless Boilers 7038

Peerless Electric® Blowers, a Sub. of Peerless-Winsmith, Inc. 7710

Peerless-Winsmith Inc. 7710

Pel Pintossi Emilio S.p.A. 3548

Penn Ventilation 4955

Pennco Boilers 4925

Penton Media, Inc. - Mechanical Systems/Construction Group 4748

PEP Filters 3218

Perf.-Etc. Steel Corp. 8136

Perfect Air Control 3240

Perfectimm 6925

Performance Pipe, a div. of Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LP 8432

Permabond LLC Engineering Adhesives 2456

Perma-Pipe Inc. 2846

Permatron Corp. 6052

Petra Engineering Industries Co. Ltd. 3918

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 3144

Philco, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Philips Lighting Co. 7848

Phoenix Manufacturing Inc. 3352

Piezo Film Sensors 1758

Pillar Induction Co. 2347

Plant Engineering Magazine 3318

Plant Services 3144

Plasma Cutting Systems Ltd. 6924

Plastec Ventilation Inc. 8127

Plenums Plus 8654

Plexus Technology Ltd. 2424

Plumbing & Heating Contractor News 7843

Plumbing & Mechanical Magazine 5318

Plumbing Engineer 7843

PlumbingHVAC.com 8157

PlymoVent Corp. 6148

PM Engineer Magazine 5318

Polar Refrigerant Technology LLC 2616

Polaris Plate Heat Exchangers LLC. 3032

Polidoro USA Inc. 2727

Pollution Equipment News 8714

Polyguard Products 2448

Polymer Adhesives 8235

Poly-Tech Radiant Inc. 2856

PolyVulc USA, Inc. - The Black Pad® Co. 3116

PoolPak Technologies/International 3048

Port-A-Cool® 8054

Porvair Fuel Cell Technology 2570

Pottorff 5820

Power Flame Inc. 4948

Powered Aire Inc. 3555

PowerMate®/L P International Inc. 8844

Powers, A Watts Industries Co. 6135

Precision Boilers Inc. 6623

Precision Engineered Systems 3550

Precision Hydronic Products Inc. 1957

Prefco 3240

Preferred Instruments, Div. of Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corp. 3632

Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corp. 3632

Preso Meters, a div. of Racine Federated Inc. 8035

Prest-O-Lite 5233

Price Industries 7910

PRIHODA s.r.o. 3655

Process Efficiency Products, Inc. - PEP Filters 3218

Proco Products Inc. 3129

Production Control Units Inc. 8354

Production Products Inc. 8736

Profile Systems LLC 2433

Profilemaster CAM Systems 6924

ProMark Associates Inc. 8470

Promax 6427

Promolux 7825

Protec Cooling Towers Inc. 4214

Protec Inc. 4214

ProTech Systems Inc. 3455

Pro-Temp Controls Inc. 1742

PSG Controls Inc. 2610

PSI - Thunderline/Link-Seal® 5046

Purafil Inc. 4041

Pure Humidifier Co. 4144

Puroflux Corp. 5244

Pyrotenax 6027

Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General Corp. Ltd. 3518

QMark Div., Marley Engineered Products, An SPX Company 4548

Qontrol Devices Inc. 2252

Quatrosense Environmental Ltd. 2613


QuickPen International 6738

Quietflex Manufacturing Co. L.P. 2838

Quietside Boilers 4410

Quietside 4410

QuoteExpress 6938

Radiant Living Magazine 4748

Radiant Panel Association (RPA) 8015

RAE Coils 4970

RAE Corp. 4970

Rahn Industries 6023

Rainbow-Brit International Corp. 8434

Rapid Positioning Clips Ltd. 7835

RAS Systems LLC 7948

Raychem 6027

Raypak Inc. 7720

Raytek Corp. 2822

Raywall Div. of TPI Corp. 6510

RBI - A Mestek Company 6429



RectorSeal 8738

Redd-I Div. of TPI Corp. 6510

Reed Manufacturing Co. Inc. 3644

Reef Industries Inc. 5952

Reeves Journal: Plumbing, Heating Cooling Magazine 5318

Ref Plus Inc. 3520

REFCO Manufacturing Ltd. 4220

REFCO Manufacturing US Inc. 4220

RefComp Thermokey USA 4820

Reflectix Inc. 7846, 3034

Refractory Specialties Inc. 4261

Refricenter International 1950

Refrigerant Exchange Corp. 8715

Refrigerant Services Inc. 3647

Refrigeration Compressor Parts(RCP) 7850

Refrigeration Innovation 8215

Refrigeration Research Inc. 4129

Refrigeration Service Engineers Society/RSES Journal 6046

Refrigeration Systems 4970

Refrigeration Technologies 5238

Refron Inc. 4031

Reftec International Inc. 4051

Regin HVAC Products Inc. 5157

REHAU Inc. 8820

Reiker Room Conditioners LLC 7857

Reliable Controls 1640

Reliable Products 4635

Remote Control Inc. 2633

RenewAire Energy Recovery Ventilators 7752

Research Products Corp. 6014

Retail Services/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

RetroAire 4925

Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. 2854

Reymsa Cooling Towers 4355

RFC Wire Forms Inc. 2844

Rheem Air Conditioning Div. 7318

Rheem Manufacturing Co. 7318

Rheem Water Heater Div. 7518

Rho Sigma Inc., Sub. of A-1 Components Corp. 4629

Rhodia 4348

Richards Industries Valve Group 5052

Richards-Zeta Building Intelligence 2325

Ridge Tool Co. 4713

Riello Burners (Canada) 5033

Riello Burners (USA) 5033

Rimbach Publishing Inc. 8714

Rinnai Corp. 3640

Rise Development Co., Ltd./Taixin Electrical & Machinery Co., Ltd. 7050

Ritchie Engineering Co., Yellow Jacket Div. 4829

RJ Sales & Marketing (Tool - Vu) (Micro - Vu) 7034

RLE Technologies 2534

@Road 6855

Roberts-Gordon 8231

Robinair 6427

John R. Robinson Inc. 2457

Rockwood Swendeman 2840

Rodman & Co. Inc. 1947

Romla Ventilator Co. 7833

Roof Products & Systems Corp. 6220

Roof Products Inc. 3254

Roper Whitney of Rockford Inc. 6818

Rosenberg USA 8710

Rosenberg-Ventilatoren 8710

Rotobrush/AIRQC Corp. 7027

Roto-Die Inc. 5727



Rotor Source Inc. 2950

RotoVane Technologies Inc. 5853

Rotronic Instrument Corp. 2643

Rovanco Piping Systems Inc. 3629

RPA Editorial Ltda. 3055

RuB Inc. 2832

Rubber World Industries LLC 8344

RUFFNECK Heaters/CCI Thermal Technologies 6127

Ruskin Sound Control 4635

Ruskin 4635

Russell 4235

Ruud Air Conditioning Div. 7318

Rydlyme/Apex Engineering Products Corp. 2715

S & S Plastics Inc. 3354

S.K. Brazing Co. Ltd. 8727

Sachins Impex India 2748

Safe-Air of Illinois Inc./Dowco Products Group 4852

Saftronics Inc. 2040

Saint-Gobain/Hamilton Technical Ceramics 6352

Saint-Gobain Advanced Ceramics/Norton Igniter Products 6352

Sam Yang Comprehensive Valve Co. Ltd. 8725


Samsung A/C 4410

San Diego Gas & Electric 2050

San Hua International 3038

Sandycott 4427

Santronics Inc. 8036

Sanuvox Technologies Inc. 8527

Sanyo Air Conditioning Products 6240

SAPCO 3152

SAS Valve Industrial Co. Ltd. 8536

Sauermann Italia srl 3437


Savings By Design 2044

Saxonburg Ceramics Inc. 8835

Schaefer Ventilation Equipment 5948

Schaevitz Sensors 1758

The Schebler Co. 5935

Schreiber Engineering Corp., A Div. of Dovatech Ltd. 8718

Schwank GmbH 4039

Schwank Inc. – Canada 4039

Schwank Inc. 4039

Scientific Systems Corp., A member of Marduk Holding Co. LLC 5529

Scot Pump Div. - Ardox Corp. 6042

Sealed Unit Parts Co. Inc. 3350

Sealmaster 4510

Seal-Tite Inc. 2459

Secespol of Canada Corp. 2652

Seco/Warwick 7052

Security Chimneys International Ltd. 7822

Seibu Giken Co. Ltd. (Japan) 3234

Seiho International Inc. 3423

Seika Electric Co. Ltd. 3236

Seiki Bracom Co. Ltd. 8724

Seismic Source Co. 8414

Selco Products Co. 2343

Selkirk LLC 7110

Senior Flexonics Pathway Div. 8814

Senstronics 2670

Serpentine Corp. 1670

Service Automation Inc. 6946

Service Compressor Parts Inc. 1646

Setra Systems Inc. 2438

SG America 3234

Shafer's Service Systems 8843

Shandong Dongyue Chemical Co. Ltd. 8542

Shanghai Flow Valve & Fitting Co. Ltd. 2855

Shannon Enterprises Inc. 8270

Shaw Aero Development Inc. 4320

Sheet Metal Connectors Inc. 4227

Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (SMWIA) 5940

Shenzhen Chuangjiexing Electronics Co. Ltd. 8443

Shinyei Corp. of America 2531

Shizuki Electric/Japan Parent Corp. 3554

Shortridge Instruments Inc. 4233

Shurjoint Piping Products 8748

Shurtape Technologies Inc. 4151

Sichuan Changhong Electric Co. Ltd. 2959

Siemens Building Technologies Inc., HVAC Products 1031

Siemens Energy & Automation Inc. 1634

Sierra Monitor Corp. 1842

SIGMA Corp. 7957

Simpson Dura-Vent Co.Inc. 4945

Sinochem Ningbo Import & Export Co.Ltd. 8124

Sinolec LLC 8436

Skuttle Indoor Air Quality Products 8320

SkyTel Telemetry Services 2316

Slimduct Inc. 5845

Smart Controls LLC 1735

A.O. Smith Electrical Products Co. 6529

Smith Fibercast 6120

A.O. Smith Water Products Co. 6538

Snappy - A div. of Standex Air Distribution Products 6033

Snips Magazine 5318

Solar Research Div. of Refrigeration Research Inc. 4129

Solaronics Inc. 5929

Soler & Palau de Mexico 6552

Soler & Palau S.A. 6552

Soler & Palau 6552

Soleus International Inc./Shanghai Hitachi 4648

Solvay Fluorides Inc. 8140

Song Chuan USA Inc. 1732

Sonitec Inc. 7815

Sound Fighter Systems LLC 2615

Sourcetec Industries Inc. 3556

Southeast Industries, Inc. (Seco) 2152

Southern California Edison 2050

Southern California Gas Co. 8044

Southern Heating Products 8831

Spacepak - A Mestek Company 6429

Space-Ray Infrared Heaters 4248

Spartan Peripheral Devices 2335

Spec-Air 4127

Specialty Ceramics Inc. 4261

Specialty Chemical Co. 4740

Specific Systems Ltd. 3736

Spectronics Corp. 5938

Spence Engineering Co. Inc. 2840

A.W. Sperry Instruments Inc. 3150

SPG/Sungshin Co. Ltd. 1850

Spinco Metal Products Inc. 5061

Spiral Duct Manufacturers Association (SPIDA) 8236

Spiral Fittings Inc. of S.C. 3235


Spirax Sarco Inc. 6138

Sporlan Valve Co. 4529

Spot Coolers Inc. 4538

SPX Valves & Controls 8257

Square D/Schneider Electric 4814

SSI Equipment Inc. 2840

SSI Technologies Inc. 2470

Stadler – Viega 3018

Staefa Control System 1031

Stamped Fittings Inc. 3751

Standard Refrigeration Co. 3120

Standex Air Distribution Products 6033

Stanley Fans 7032

Star Pipe Products 8538

Star Refrigerants Inc. 8712

State Water Heaters 6538

Stavig Mfg. LLP 3454

Stealth Manufacturing Inc. 3654

Steril-Aire U.S.A. Inc. 3652

Sterling Gas Fired HVAC Equipment - A Mestek Company 6429

Sterling Hydronic Heating Equipment - A Mestek Company 6429

Stewart-Hall, Div. of RectorSeal 8738

Stik-II Products 8242

Stockham Valves 2155

Stonet Systems Ltd. 6954

Streamlight Inc. 8143

Streimer Sheet Metal Works Inc. 8338

StrionAir Inc. 1744

Stueken 1848

Stulz Air Technology Systems, Inc. 4933

Suburban Manufacturing Co. 7810

Summit Manufacturing (Mortex) 8831

Sumner Manufacturing Co. Inc. 3344

SunMax Corp. 7023

SunStar Heating Products Inc. 4248

Super Radiator Coils 4835

Superior Machine Works LLC 7836

Superior Manufacturing Div., Magnatech Corp. 5329

Superior Refrigeration Products 4935

Superior Signal Co. Inc. 8313

SuperVent 7110

Supply House Times 5318

SWEP North America 7044

SymCom Inc. 8112

Symphony Comfort Systems Ltd. 8423

Syr-Tech 3133

System Sensor 2618

T. A. Industries Inc. 2654

T. T. International Co. Ltd. 2554

TAC 1010

Taco Inc. 4170, 4459

Taeduck Industrial Co. Ltd. 8723

Takagi Industrial Co. USA Inc. 4657


Tamarack Technologies Inc. 8735

Tambe Metal Products 8338

Tamman Development Ltd. 8250

Tappan, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Tarrant Parts 3332

Tasco Japan Co. Ltd. 8052

TB Wood's Inc. 2938

TCS/Basys Controls 2331

TCS/HVAC Sensors and Transducers 2331

T-DRILL Industries Inc. 2927

Technical Systems 4970

Technology Consultants International 7052

AlCool Inc.

Crown Unlimited Machine Inc.

Ecko Tool & Die

Mill Masters Inc.


Thermalex, Inc.

Tecmark Corp. 8630

Tecnologia da Refrigeracao 3055

Tecogen 6620

TECO-Westinghouse Motor Co. 3359

Tecumseh Products Co. 4929

Tek-Air Systems Inc. 4240

Tele-Flow 3229

Teletrac Inc. 1856

Telstar Industrial S.L. 7834

Tengya (Nanjing) Plastic Metal Co. Ltd. 3245


Test Products International 2746

Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau 8146

Testo Inc. 6010

Texas Furnace LLC 7918

Texas Instruments Inc., Sensors & Controls 4329

The SPIRAmir Alliance 8338

The TFM Show 8034

Thermacor Process LP 8057

Thermaflex, A Div. of Flexible Technologies Inc., A Subsidiary of Smith Industries plc 6718

Thermaflo, Div. of REFCO Manufacturing U.S. Inc. 4220

Thermal Ceramics 8129

Thermal Corp. 3338

Thermal Exchange Cooling Towers 7022

Thermal Hydronic Supply Ltd. 2357

Thermal Solutions Products LLC 5927

Thermalex Inc. 7052

Thermo Manufacturing Inc. 5257

Therm-O-Disc, Inc./Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Thermoguard 5954

Thermokey USA 4820

Thermolec Ltd. 3323

Thermoplus Air Inc. 3520

Thermoscreens Ltd. 4754

Thrush Co. Inc. 4052

Thybar Corp. 3320

Tier-Rack Corp. 8716

TIF 6427

Tili Electrical Co. Ltd. 8154

Timberline Software Corp. 6827

Tin Knocker Sheet Metal Working Machinery 8229

Titan Flow Control Inc. 8142

Titeflex Corp./Gastite Div. 8427

Titus 4540

Tjernlund Products Inc. 3638

TMB Publishing 7843

Today's Facility Manager Magazine 8034

TOLCOâ„¢, a div. of NIBCO INC. 3527

TopBand Electronics & Technology Ltd. 8544

Topflex Rubber Industry Co. Ltd. 4345

Topog-E Gasket Co. 8532


Tower Tech Inc. 1650

Toxalert Inc. 3642

Toyotomi USA Inc. 8468

Tozen Enterprise Co./American Trading & Logistics Co. 2835

TPI Corp. 6510

Trade News International Inc. 5235

TransERA Electronics Inc. 1738

Tranter PHE 7046

Tremco - Fire Protection Systems Group 8522

Trenton Refrigeration 2934

H. O. Trerice Co. 1755

Triad Boiler Systems Inc. 7715

Trico Air Systems Inc. 3052

Tridan International Inc. 8370

Tri-Dim Filter Corp. 6348

Tridium Inc. 1936

Tri-K Machining 8334

Trion Inc. 6310

Trolex Corp. 7940

Trox U.S.A. Inc. 4570

Trs Systems Inc. 2036

Tru-Flex Metal Hose Corp. 3225


TSI Inc. 4218, 4318

TST-STAG s.a. 3134

Tunstall Steam Traps/Macon Controls 1542

Turbo Air Inc. 4857


TURBOCOR Inc. 2546

Turboduct Inc. 8338

Turbotec Products Inc. 5146

TurboTorch, A Thermaydyne Company 6327

Victor Equipment Co.

TUV Rheinland of North America Inc. 1647

TVM Building Products 2659

Twin City Hose Inc. 4440

Tyco Adhesives 8327

Tyco Flow Control 2329

Tyco Thermal Controls 6027

Ubukata Industries Co. Ltd. 8227

UEI 4057

Ultimate Boilers 4925

Ultra-Sun Technologies 2070

Ultratech Industries Inc. 6748

Ultravation Inc. 8518

UltraViolet Devices Inc./UVDI 3536

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 3635

UNICO Inc. 4838

UniControl Inc. 5910

Unifab Export Co. Ltd. 7510

Unifor Brass Forgings Inc. 6810

Unilux Boiler Corp. 4155

Unisource Mfg. Inc. 3213


United CoolAir Corp. 6154

Universal Metal Hose 5140

Universal Trading Corp. 3055

Uniweld Products Inc. 5518

Uponor Wirsbo 7823

Urecon Systems Inc. 3122

US Aire, a div. of Metal Industries Inc. 3340

USA Manufacturing Corp. 8810

Utica Boilers 4925

Vac System Industries 3656

Vacuum Technology Inc. 5847

Vaisala Inc. 2629

Valfsan Dis Ticaret Kollektiv Sirketi 8516

Valley Tool & Design Inc. 1832

Vanguard Piping Systems Inc. 6727

Van-Packer Co. Inc. 7829

Varian Inc. Vacuum Technologies 2750

Varidigm Corp. 2034

Vector CoGen LLC 8842

Venmar Ventilation 7729

Vent Master 8610

Ventaire Inc. 4250

Ventamatic Ltd. 8454

VENT-FREE Gas Products Alliance 2756

Ventilation Products/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

Venture Tape Corp. 6346

Veris Industries 2320

Vermette Machine Co. Inc. 5943

Vertical Market Software 6922

Vibration Mountings and Controls Inc. 4435

Vicon Cutting Systems, Div. of Plasma Automation Inc. 2910

Viconics Electronics Inc. 2440

Victaulic Company of America 8420

Victor Equipment Co./TurboTorch 6327

Viega 3018

VIMCO (Vibration Management Corp.) 2624

Virginia KMP Corp. 6213

Viskon-Aire Corp. 2754

Vostermans Ventilation Inc. 3114

Vulcain Alarm Inc. 2621

Vulcaine Alarme (Div. of BW Technologies) 2623

Ward Manufacturing 4148

Water Technology of Pensacola Inc. 3244

Watson McDaniel Co. 2920

The Watt Stopper Inc. 2327

Watts Radiant/Suntouch 6135

Watts Regulator Co. 6135

Wavetek Meterman 5936

Wayne Combustion Systems 3650

WDCI 6118

Weather-Rite Inc. 7633

Weben-Jarco Inc. 5957

Weishaupt Corp. 7020

Weiss Instruments Inc. 5332

Weksler Glass Thermometer Corp. 8024

Well Electronics Co. Ltd. 8234

Wendes Systems Inc. 6924

WennSoft Inc. 6840

Wessels Co. 3250

Western Nonwovens Inc. 8312

Westinghouse, Div. of NORDYNE 5718

Westvaco Chemical Div. 6140

The Whalen Co. 4314

Wheeler – REX 8213

Whirlpool Corp./USA Inc. 5734

WhiteRock Corp. 8046

White-Rodgers/Emerson Climate Technologies 4510

The Wholesaler 7843

WIKA Instrument Corp. 8016

Williams Comfort Products 5918

Thomas C. Wilson Inc. 3238

Wine Environments Inc. 2048

Wing Enterprises Inc. (Little Giant Ladder) 4927

Winia USA Corp.(WiniaMando Inc.) 8740

WinterGard 6027

Winters Instruments 8110

Winton Machine Co. 8132

Wirsbo 7823

Witt 4235

Witte Werkzeuge 8815

Wohler USA 8223

Worgas Inc. 8316

World Aeroplast Co. Ltd. 7510

World Excel Company Ltd. 1655

World Marketing of America/Kozy World 8410

Worthington Cylinders 7838

Wrightsoft Corp. 6929

WSA Engineered Systems Inc. 6720

WTT America Inc. 4257

WTT-Wilchwitzer Thermo-Technik GmbH 4257

Wye River Technologies Inc. 6822

XpediAir Inc. 7740

Yardney Water Filtration Systems 3416

Yaskawa Electric America Inc. 3327

Yellow Jacket Div., Ritchie Engineering Co. 4829

YES Environment Technologies 2324

Yingpeng Chemical Co. Ltd. 8732

York - Shipley Global (Div. of AESYS Technologies LLC) 4546

York International UPG Controls 1020

York International UPG 4810

YP Products, Div. of RG Group 8220

Yunker Plastics Inc. 2722

Zamil Air Conditioners 6745

Z-Flex U.S. Inc. 7718

Zhangjiagang Xingcheng Metal Pipe Products Co. Ltd. 2046

Zheijiang Xingpeng Copper Material Group Co. 8442

Zhejiang Dunan Artificial Enviromental Equipment Co. Ltd. 8731

Zhejiang Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corp. 8444

Zhejiang Sharge Air Conditioner Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 8446

Zhejiang Shuaikang Air-Conditioner Co. Ltd. 8632...8645

Zhejiang Yilida Ventilator Co. Ltd. 8429

Zhenjiang Dongfang Refrigeration & Air Conditioner Equipment Fitting Co. Ltd. 2657

Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. 8148

Ziehl – Abegg 4646

Zone-A-Trol 7940

Zurn Industries Inc. 4335

Publication date: 01/12/2004