The Tcore
2® combustion system is a draft-induced, single-orifice burner used with multiple heat exchangers. With the Tcore
2 no-weld heat exchangers, the heater is able to operate at 82 percent to 83 percent efficiency. The system, coupled with other technology, allows up to 25 percent to 100 percent modulated input without degradation in unit efficiency, states the company. It is designed to withstand the rigors of commercial/industrial applications from tempered recirculated air to total outside air. The system now is incorporated into the manufacturer's suspended gas unit heaters, pre-engineered ventilation air handlers (PREEVA™), and modular air processing system (MAPS®) product lines.
Reznor HVAC Div., 8155 T&B Blvd., Mailcode #4C-25, Memphis, TN 38125; 800-695-1901;
eProduct #181