Siemens Building Technologies: VFD CDs
July 2, 2004
Two CD tools help people understand variable-frequency drive (VFD) technology and provide a method of calculating harmonic voltage and current distortion when using VFDs in building applications, the company states. The "A to Z"â„¢ CD-ROM explains the SED2 VFD capabilities. Also, it includes multimedia presentations and technical training videos on the SED2 family of products, conventional and e-bypass options, harmonics basics, and a documentation library. The SED2 Harmoneeâ„¢ - Harmonics Calculator Tool CD provides comparative and other data on the full harmonic spectrum order values and compares conventional drives with and without the use of filtering devices to reduce harmonics such as line reactors.
Siemens Building Technologies, 1000 Deerfield Pkwy., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089; 847-215-1000; 847-215-1093 (fax); www.sbt.siemens.com/hvp/components/requestlit.
eProduct #191