Business News Publishing buys Energy User News
Energy User News (EUN) was purchased from Cahners Business Information, a Division of Reed-Elsevier, Inc.
Peter Moran has been named group publisher and Kathy Janes associate publisher of EUN. Moran remains publisher and Janes national advertising manager of Engineered Systems magazine.
EUN managing editor Kenneth Betz remains in that position, working from the Chicago area. Production of EUN will be accomplished from BNP’s Troy, MI office.
EUN was established in New York City in 1976 as a paid weekly. It was owned by Fairchild Publications, and later Chilton Publications, before being acquired by Cahners. The magazine will become part of BNP’s Building Division, which also includes The NEWS, Engineered Systems, Service & Contracting, and SNIPS.
With a controlled circulation of 50,000, EUN helps commercial and industrial end-users buy and use energy more cost-effectively.
Although hvacr products are sometimes discussed within EUN, the publication has a wider focus that includes lighting, motors and drives, electrical products, and utility companies.
For more information, contact Kathy Janes at Energy User News, 755 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 1000, Troy, MI 48084; 248-244-6457; 248-362-0317 (fax); (e-mail).