
Hastings HVAC: Heating System

July 2, 2004
The Patriot AFX indirect-fired heating system is designed as a space heater for open-area buildings. According to the company, the heater attains uniform building temperature with maximum heating efficiency using the principle of low-velocity, constant air circulation to heat large air volumes to lower temperatures. The heating system circulates the building's air volume several times each hour, developing a gentle air rotation pattern, without requiring a duct system, says the company. According to the company, the air circulation sweeps warmer ceiling air down to the comfort level, thereby minimizing stratification. It is a suspended, automatic high-volume heater and ranges from 3,850 to 10,000 scfm and from 215 to 400 MBtuh, says the company. The heating system is designed to offer humidity control, too.

Hastings HVAC, P.O. Box 669, 3606 Yost Ave., Hastings, NE 68902; sales@hastingshvac.com; www.hastings.com.

eProduct #186