The Product Group: Digital Refrigeration Controllers
September 4, 2006
The Riteâ„¢ product line includes PressuRiteâ„¢, TimeRiteâ„¢, and ControlRiteâ„¢, three commercial refrigeration controllers. PressuRite measures the refrigerant low- and high-side pressures of the system as it runs via proprietary digital pressure transducers. It comes standard with one low-range transducer, which can be exchanged for a high-range transducer. The design allows it to run refrigeration low-pressure, high-pressure, or oil differential pressure operations separately or concurrently by adding a transducer(s) as needed. The TimeRite controller directs the defrost operation of equipment. The unit can perform either time-based or time-based/temperature limited defrost control. ControlRite is a dual-purpose controller that combines all the features and functions of both the PressuRite and TimeRite units. Users can set up the controllers utilizing either the Rite handheld setup tool, a cell phone, or a PDA.
The Product Group, 2533 N. Carson St., Ste. 5884; Carson City, NV 89706-0147; 714-974-7500; info.company@theproductgroup.net; www.theproductgroup.net
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