The leaves have stopped changing color, and football is still on TV, so that means it is time for members to call for assistance with their market analysis for the year ahead.
By now, virtually nobody believes that if it’s on the Internet, it must be true. Clearly the nature of the Internet makes it easy for misinformation — accidentally incorrect information — and disinformation — deliberately incorrect information — to slip through.
This past summer, I was chatting with Bob Engel, Jr., president, API of NH/Delta T, and he mentioned that he was opening a new branch in East Weymouth, Mass.
Once, a colleague of mine became enamored with a new forecasting technology whose “targets” he consistently beat. In time, however, his performance became markedly closer to the forecast “targets,” often missing them by only a small amount.
Many people use the month of December as a time to think about their New Year’s resolutions and changes that they will be making the following year. Most of the time, these changes and resolutions are voluntary. However, for HVACR distributors, change is coming in 2015 courtesy of the federal government, and when Uncle Sam dictates change, there isn’t a heck of a lot to do but acquiesce.
Flood Buzz™ Pro-02 is an easy-to-use, low-cost, patent-pending, loud and effective water leak alarm that was created specifically for use in condensate pans.