The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Industry Fund of the United States (SMACN-IFUS) annual contributors’ meeting will be held at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015.
Rick Fedrizzi, who co-founded the group and has acted as its CEO since 2003, announced that he will resign as chief executive officer at the end of next year.
Aimed at HVAC sales staff and technicians, it eliminates the need to make phone calls or visit several websites to find HVAC market product information, the company said.
Thanks to Malco’s portable mini brake, sheet metal workers can perform a variety of fabricating tasks right on the jobsite, from large HVAC transitions to metal roofing.
The York LX Series packaged units by Johnson Controls feature a contractor-friendly design, easy installation and service, reliable technology and an advanced manufacturing process.