SAN FRANCISCO - When Andy Davies takes his bike out on the streets of San Francisco, there is a good chance someone will stop him to get a better look.
DETROIT - Battered by the tough Michigan economy of the last five years, Sheet Metal Workers union Local 80 has suffered with 30 percent-plus unemployment among members.
Joseph Mattingly, the general counsel and secretary for the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, will retire after 27 years of service.
Oklahoma HVAC maker RAE Corp. announced Tuesday that all of the company’s facilities will close July 5-6 for renovations, including installing air conditioning in one plant.
The law suit on behalf of HARDI and ACCA says the U.S. Department of Energy exceeded
its authority and circumvented the public-comment period when it issued the
rule authorizing regional HVAC standards last year.