Citing U.S. Labor Department data, the figures
reflect improving apartment and private nonresidential construction activity,
but the market for public projects and single-family homes continue to struggle,
the association said.
Construction activity for new single-family
homes rose 3.9 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 430,000 units in
October, the U.S. Commerce Department reported.
Talbot Gee said the idea for the meeting came from the
Air Conditioning Contractors of America, which holds a similar,
contractor-focused event at its annual conference.
Single-family housing starts rose 3.9 percent to a seasonally
adjusted annual rate of 430,000 units in October, according to the National
Association of Home Builders and the U.S. Commerce Department.
Over the past month, ACCA contractors and other small business
owners sent Congress thousands of messages urging them to repeal the 3 percent
withholding mandate.
The amount contractors pay for a range of key
construction materials dropped 0.6 percent in October, but climbed 6.9 percent
from the year-earlier level, according to an analysis from the Associated
General Contractors of America.
In an effort to promote best practices in energy
auditing, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
has released an updated “how-to” guide.