The Associated General Contractors of Georgia (AGC Georgia) is co-hosting the 20th Annual "Building Georgia" legislative event with the American Council of Engineering Companies of Georgia(ACEC) on Thursday, Feb. 28.
Considering the numerous standards and codes relating to both insulation and the broader residential construction environment, NAIMA's 25-point checklist for inspecting insulation jobs makes it easy for HVAC contractors to achieve industry standards during installations.
Fresh-Aire UV, the largest manufacturer of UVC and PCO/carbon indoor air quality (IAQ) products in North America, named the Kivlan Group its “2018 Rep of the Year" at the 2019 International Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigerating Expo.
A recent review by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) shows that its members are some of the nation’s top recyclers of mercury containing thermostats that are included in the Thermostat Recycling Corp.’s (TRC) collection efforts.
YORK's newly released 6.5 – 12.5 ton Predator series and 15 – 23 ton Large Sunline commercial roof top units are designed to achieve maximum energy efficiencies, lowering operating costs in the process.
Topcon Positioning Group announced the latest upgrade to MAGNET Collage Web, the web-based service enabling the sharing and collaboration of UAV and scanning data sets, including the ability to import BIM models, as well as CAD and GIS data.
The international consultancy and construction firm, Mace, recently published a tender cost update for North America showing growth in the construction market is set to continue in 2019 with costs.