The just-concluded AHR Expo is usually an event full of excitement and optimism. Whether the HVAC industry is suffering through a recession like in 2008-2009, or enjoying the blockbuster economy of the late 1990s and early 2000s, industry people are an upbeat lot, I’ve found.
Oct. 7, 2016, marked the fifth annual Manufacturing Day, when thousands of companies hosted students, teachers, parents, job seekers and community leaders at open houses, plant tours and educational sessions to showcase modern manufacturing technology and the cool jobs available.
The never-ending cycle is supposed to work like this: Customers lead to an endless stream of purchases and referrals, which lead to another endless stream of even more purchases and referrals from their referrals.
Michigan summers are not anywhere near as hot as those in Texas or Florida, although we can come close to matching the humidity levels of those states in July and August.