The underlying facts of the case stem from a 2012 natural gas explosion in a steam boiler at the Wynnewood Refinery in Oklahoma resulting in two workplace fatalities.
Boiler FD fans tend to be complicated units with many components, including three or four control dampers, to regulate airflow at all firing conditions.
When talking about burners, it is essential to address the fundamentals of combustion and fuel burning efficiency, recognizing that higher excess oxygen in a flue gas sample directly correlates to reduced efficiency and higher overall emissions.
Two benefits of the modular, once-through, watertube design include the ability to rapidly generate full steam, even from a cold start (on-demand steam), and functionality that allows boilers to turn off quickly according to current load requirements.
A finalized system selection shall consider a central plant heating versus decentralized heating plants, and all specialized systems shall include general exhaust, boiler flue exhaust, and boiler plant ventilation.