This filter is designed to capture contaminated particulate with 99.99% eff HEPA and fumes with carbon efficiently and effectively prior to discharge to the outside environment.
00e Series circulators are built with efficient, quiet electronically commutated motors (ECMs) to consume up to 85% less electricity, and also offer SureStart® automatic unblocking and air-purge mode.
After the postponement of the event last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the company was able to coordinate a safe and successful event with about two-thirds of the usual attendance and no in-person banquets.
The union of SelectPro and the website now enables users to choose products, add to a schedule, or place them directly into a cart. SelectPro is a quick and simple tool for accurately sizing and selecting actuators and valves that features easy and intuitive navigation.
The EIA projects that, by 2050, all U.S. commercial buildings will use 6% less energy for heating and that office floor space will grow by 5 billion square feet over the next 30 years.