The benefits of blower door testing are multifold, and the contractors that have adopted its use are employing it in a variety of creative, valuable ways to strengthen the bottom line and improve quality of service to their customers.
In this installment of the Btu Buddy series, Bob services an oil furnace and discovers a plugged up oil filter. Btu Buddy explains the cause of the problem and assists him in correcting it.
Unfortunately, the failure rate of new businesses is staggeringly high. Often the problem lies with the technician, now business owner. He may have the technical skills, but not the necessary business skills.
Three years ago a team of researchers began developing an "intelligent" solar heating and cooling system. Today that team is exploring the likelihood of increasing the system's efficiency and adaptability by reducing it to the micrometer scale.
The next time you're faced with replacing an old steam boiler that was attached to a two-pipe air vent system, try the old-timer's trick. Remember that the replacement boiler is smaller in size and holds less water, thus requiring a boiler feed tank that acts as a reservoir for the new boiler.
Today, fuel cells are being developed to power commercial buildings, homes, passenger vehicles, and even small devices such as laptop computers. This article describes basic fuel cell components, highlights current fuel cell types, and discusses the technology challenges.
All business advice doesn't work together. In fact, much of the advice collected from many different sources may actually be in conflict with one another. Here consultant Al Levi provides his recommendations.
In this edition of the Btu Buddy series, the dispatcher calls Bob and tells him a customer has a very frozen heat pump outdoor coil. After checking out the unit, Bob finds a bad fan capacitor.
The adage "garbage in equals garbage out" holds especially true when determining chiller performance. If your sensors haven't been calibrated in the last year and are over three years old, the odds of them being inaccurate are almost 100 percent.
How to create a work environment that attracts and keeps the workforce. It should go without saying if you cannot attract and keep your workforce, then you must change what you are doing or face the consequences.