In this installment of the Btu Buddy series, Bob encounters a compressor with very low oil level. Btu Buddy explains that the low oil level is a normal function of this system for this time of year.
Being a positive thinker does not mean that you should refuse to acknowledge the way things are. The true positive thinker acknowledges potential and existing negative circumstances and reactions, and engineers a plan to overcome them, to achieve positive results.
For nearly two centuries ammonia has been used as a refrigerant. Its drawback is that in quantities much larger than a "sniff" it is poisonous. With proper precautions, however, the benefits of ammonia are compelling.
I come to work with dozens and dozens of things on my to-do list. And then life hits me as I enter the door and my to-do list is forgotten. What should I do to stay focused?
In order to service and troubleshoot an air-source heat pump system, a service technician must understand the unit's sequence of operation. Where the system varies from its normal sequence is a major clue to any problems.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently launched the Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor, a free Web-based tool designed to help homeowners, contractors, architects, facility managers, and others to improve energy efficiency in existing homes during renovation and remodeling.
In this edition of the Btu Buddy series, Bob works on a system that is not cooling properly and finds that refrigerant is flooding back to the compressor. Btu Buddy aids in pinpointing and curing the problem.
The best way to evaluate how your business is doing is to gather feedback from your customers and employees. Here are some pointers that will help you get the feedback you need to improve your business.
Honeywell has introduced the FocusPROâ„¢ 5000, a non-programmable, digital thermostat designed to provide maximum ease of use for contractors and homeowners, says the company.