In this installment of the Btu Buddy series, Bob finds a restaurant system that froze solid the previous night because the thermostat was turned down to 55 degrees. Btu Buddy suggests possible solutions to prevent it from happening again.
With a bulleted job description, employees can feel imposed upon whenever you add something new. Consultant Al Levi recommends the use of job manuals to provide greater flexibility.
What exactly is a digital multimeter (DMM) and what can you do with it? How do you make measurements safely? What features do you need? What's the easiest way to get the most out of your meter? These and other questions are answered in this article.
This article provides background information and general information on variable air volume (VAV) systems, and discusses improvements in today's VAV systems.
In making a case for a wireless mobile solution in field service, this article discusses the business areas positively influenced by wireless job dispatch applications and the return on investment (ROI) achievable.
In this edition of the Btu Buddy series, Bob goes on a call where an oil furnace won't always start. He discovers heavily sooted electrodes. Btu Buddy assists him in servicing the burner and cleaning the electrodes.
Water contamination in an industrial ammonia refrigeration system can reduce system efficiency. A new automatic purger is described that can restore efficiency, cut electrical costs, and save money.
The thermostatic expansion valve (TEV or TXV) is erroneously considered by some to be a mysterious and complex device. Here we discuss typical valve complaints, causes, and remedies.
This article addresses the specific uses, performance characteristics, fire safety, condensation control, and installation recommendations for fibrous glass duct wrap.
An HVAC contractor is tempted to expand beyond the heating and cooling business into the plumbing and electrical businesses. Here consultant Al Levi discusses the pros and cons of making this move.