In this edition of the Btu Buddy series, Bob learns the proper procedures for finding and fixing a refrigerant leak in a residential air conditioning unit.
The function of the economizer is, as its name implies, to "economize" or save on cooling costs. Learn more about the operation of economizers and get maintenance tips here.
In this installment of the Btu Buddy series, Bob and Btu Buddy meet at the local diner for lunch and discuss
electric heat and the components that operate it.
With the heating season winding down and the cooling season soon upon us, it is time to reconsider what is involved in proper cooling system maintenance.
Condensing temperatures often give technicians valuable hints as to what the problem may be within a refrigeration system. The high side of the refrigeration system offers valuable information to the wise technician.
The core of a refrigeration system is the compressor that is designed to pump cool refrigerant gas from the evaporator into the condenser. Refrigeration compressors need to be properly maintained and require periodic inspection and testing.
In this edition of the Btu Buddy series, Bob gets a call from the dispatcher about an office that has electric heat. It is very cold outside and one of the office zones is not heating as it should.
For some of you, this article will be a review to refresh your memory about the importance of "safety first." For those of you starting out as technicians, it could keep you from serious injury - or worse - out in the field.
Although some technicians are unsure of its operation and many customers have no clue it is even there - much less what it does - the economizer continues to fight a lonely battle for recognition as it saves building owners money on utility bills.
This article explores how a restricted metering device will affect system performance and efficiency. The system is a commercial refrigeration system with a thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) as the metering device.