Cooling with ice thermal storage can be the most cost-effective, reliable system approach to cooling offices, schools, hospitals, malls, and other buildings. These systems are also environmentally friendly because they help lower energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
It is important to verify correct control of an HVAC air system. A balanced supply and exhaust will help ensure proper ventilation by meeting minimum air exchange rates, removing airborne contaminants, and reducing operating costs.
Research has led to new ways for analyzing and using sensor information, and we now have algorithms to predict with some certainty when a specific kind of equipment malfunction will occur.
This article reviews the reasons open standard protocols were, and still are, desirable, as well as the benefits we had hoped to realize from their successful application. Most importantly this article describes how you can assist the building owner in attaining many of the expected benefits from an open standard protocol.
HVAC technicians work on fans in many ways. They install fans, measure fan performance, and adjust fan speed. This article provides important advice on how to work safely with fans.
On air-handling units, air intake filtration increases the life of internal filters. On air-cooled chillers and condenser coils, it prevents debris from getting into the coils. On cooling towers, it isolates debris on the outside of the tower.
Typically, green buildings save close to 30 percent of the energy and 50 percent of the water that buildings of comparable size waste. Those occupying these buildings claim improved health and lower utility bills.
This article reviews ASHRAE Standard 90.1's requirements for airside economizers and discusses the underlying design decisions and benefits of effective airside economizer systems.
A closed system protects the quality of the process fluid and reduces system maintenance at a slightly higher initial cost. When deciding which system is best for an application, several factors should be considered.
It's been demonstrated many times that after Europe introduces environmental regulation, similar action often occurs in the United States. This article explains WEEE and RoHS, and how they are already impacting the U.S. market.