A new refrigerant charging device (patent pending) has been developed to supply a simplified method of providing more precise system charging. It is intended to give technicians an easy and more accurate way to charge. This article details the invention.
When you have a large contracting company, keeping close control of job time and costs can provide substantial savings and help increase profitability. That was the goal when this contractor looked into the use of a global positioning system (GPS) application.
Providing the most efficient link between contractor customer and its distribution operation was the goal. Even for those customers who were "technologically challenged," this distributor wanted to develop a simple computerized system that would provide immediate pricing updates and easier ordering.
School districts in California and throughout the U.S. are increasingly using relocatable classrooms (RCs), also known as modular or portable classrooms. A study was conducted that demonstrates technologies that can simultaneously improve energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality in RCs.
ABB is applying its patent-pending Swinging Choke technology "to reduce harmonics at partial load, making an essentially efficiency-driven solution that much more efficient."
An estimated one sixth of all steel production worldwide is used to replace corroded metal - much of it at cooling and process water piping systems. This article details the benefits and drawbacks of using corrosion coupons.
Commissioning starts by preventing errors in the most critical, early stages: planning and design. After the ground is broken, the process checks for correct installation and start-up. Only the next two stages, functional and performance testing, check for incorrect operation.
What is the homeowner's No. 1 complaint regarding his HVAC system? It's downtime. What is the No. 1 cause of downtime? Other than poor maintenance or old age of the equipment, the leading cause is power quality.
A VFD bypass assures the customer uninterruptible operation with their HVAC system - the ability to keep their fans and pump running at all times - even if the drive is taken out of the loop for whatever reason.
Moisture indicators on HVACR systems have been billed as critical early-warning components in the fight to cut the long-term effects of water damage and reduce repair and maintenance costs. But do they truly live up to their billing?