According to Enterprise Fleet Services, leasing vehicles under a tailored vehicle management program can be a better alternative than a cash or financed purchase.
Exhibiting at a trade show or home show can be an expensive yet often necessary marketing initiative. Yet, many companies fail to maximize their return on investment.
Salespeople have a tendency to do things that detract from their effective use of time. This article discusses the four most common time-wasters observed.
Business research indicates that, when it comes to buyer loyalty, what keeps consumers coming back has less to do with price and marketing prowess than with how well the company treats its customers, especially when they have a question or complaint.
Congress passed and the President quickly signed into law a $330 billion, 10-year tax cut plan that will have a significant impact on the tax bills of every contractor — and their HVACR businesses.
When I've been called in by building owners and managers and asked to price a maintenance agreement, they then ask, "Can you also include the EMS (energy management system) in your price?" I look at the system, and often the answer is no.
Failed negotiation strategies do more than prevent you from getting what you want. They also detract from your credibility and your knowledge base of the person or company you’re negotiating with. If you want to leave your next negotiation session with more favorable results, put the tips in this article to work.
Some Web sites put up by HVACR contractors are gems, chock full of useful information presented in a graphically pleasing way. Others look like “garage sales” with lots of words and photos strewn around or piled high in a heap. Which one is yours?
Some economic stimulus proposals considered by Congress concerning payroll taxes have focused attention on the complex payroll withholding system that every HVACR contractor, wholesaler, distributor, and manufacturer must deal with. Do you understand the withholding issues as they apply to your business?
It’s just the first step in the HVAC selling process — the one popularized by the cartoon with the salesperson’s foot stuck in the prospect’s door. If you can’t see them, you can’t sell them.