The Geothermal Exchange Organization is continuing to concentrate its lobbying efforts on including geothermal in federal and state definitions of renewable energy.
While well intentioned, GHP incentives can be detrimental to the acceptance of the technology if steps aren’t taken to ensure successful installations.
The NEWS was very busy at the AHR Expo in New York City, visiting as many booths as possible in search of new products. Below is a comprehensive list of all the HVAC residential equipment we found on the show floor.
Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) president and CEO Doug Dougherty recently attended the 125th annual meeting of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) in Orlando, Fla.
ClimateMaster Inc. held a reception at the Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association banquet facility to celebrate the completion of Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity’s (HFH) 300th home featuring a geothermal heat pump-driven heating and cooling system.
Encompassing a broad cross-section of the HVACR marketplace, the winners of this year’s AHR Expo Innovation awards feature everything from a hybrid electric heat pump water heater to a high-performance metric motor. The winning entries were selected in 10 categories.
As kids, we were told, “Don’t play with matches.” But, as adults, we ignore this warning and play with fire to heat our homes and office buildings, and our laws and policies encourage it. It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s my opinion that we need to create paths to safer, cleaner, and more efficient energy sources.
With a veritable alphabet soup of acronyms now available to describe the energy efficiency of HVAC equipment, contractors have all the information necessary to educate their customers about how their systems will perform when installed correctly.
The day-long event included a variety of comprehensive, hands-on opportunities for participants to learn about and observe all aspects of a geothermal system — from equipment specification, to loop-field drilling and trenching, to system controls programming.