When it comes to large equipment that powers HVAC systems, the old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” definitely rings true. And nowhere is an ounce of prevention more beneficial than with chiller maintenance.
A tradeoff has always existed between the water temperature at which hydronic heat emitters are sized and their cost. The higher the supply water temperature assumed by the designer, the smaller the required heat emitters and the lower their installed cost.
For more than two decades, Entech Sales & Service in Dallas has offered HVACR professionals an in-depth look at centrifugal chillers, examining assembly, theory, microprocessors, and teardown training through a series of educational sessions heralded as some of the best nationwide.
Chillers are complex pieces of equipment and a lot of training and education is needed to keep contractors on the top of their games when dealing with this equipment.
The chillers at Broward Health Medical Center were not achieving the kW per ton for which they were rated — a serious problem that they had not been aware of before, and which had probably cost them over $1 million in excess energy use since installation.
The Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) marked a theme of “Unconventional Thinking” for business growth in the 124th anniversary year of the organization.
Designed for spot cooling/humidifying with zero wetting in any space, the fan-driven, high-pressure fog device applies a dry, non-wetting, cool-water fog in any work space or directly on machinery needing cooling or humidity.