The Charlotte Mecklenburg School System (CMSS), the 19th largest in the U.S. with a $1.3 billion operating budget, recently decided to take action to identify school system buildings that might be exhibiting air leakage.
When working with consulting clients, I take my operating manual templates that I’ve created at my own company, and I help owners tweak them to become their own. The lesson is that it’s easier to edit than to create.
The TXV also simultaneously controls a set amount of evaporator superheat while, under these same conditions, assuming the range and capacity of the valve is not exceeded.
Russ Miller learned as he worked — his experience was all gained from on-the-job training. After about 10 years at that business, a large, 60-plus-person commercial company, he switched jobs to a smaller place that ultimately ended up getting bought out to become AirComfort Heating & Cooling, serving Columbus and Fremont, Nebraska.
With a capacity range of 25-100 percent, the WaterFurnace variable capacity system will scale its output to what your building actually needs, maximizing occupant comfort levels.
The 13,000-square-foot, slump block-style building, which is a popular meeting place for the small town’s 5,500 Native American and Hispanic residents, frequently exhibited 100°F interior temperatures and above.
The agreement brings together Optimum Energy’s creative technology with Belimo’s hardware innovation to make smart valves even smarter and more valuable with practical, energy-saving solutions.
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