The combined cost of hydronic radiant panel heating, along with a separate central cooling system, often strains the construction budget to a point where something has to go, and that something is usually the radiant heating option. It gets trumped by a lower-cost forced-air system that delivers both heating and cooling, albeit often at reduced comfort.
Made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, the new stainless steel manifold from Uponor Inc. is available in 1- and 1 ¼-inch sizes in 2- through 8-, 10-, and 12-loop configurations.
HVACR industry associations, manufacturers, end users, and fluorocarbon producers met with senior White House officials to show support and voluntary commitments to phase down HFCs. Industry coalition the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy and the White House hosted the event Sept. 16 at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.
Replacing older RTUs can be expensive, so the answer may be for contractors to retrofit these units with advanced controls that can help save energy costs as well as improve comfort.
The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) Connect event showcased some of the newest products that those who work in the food sector will more than likely see on a future install or service call.
For this focus on supermarkets and restaurants, The NEWS asked a number of contractors where they are in the mix and where they see the refrigeration sector heading. Here is what they had to say.
The natural gas or LP-fired Mascot LX features a Laars heat exchanger and offers 95 percent efficiency, full modulation, and a plentiful supply of domestic hot water on combination units.
What kind of energy-efficiency goals are realistic, what types of rebates and reward programs should energy providers have in place for consumers, and how great is the demand for these conservation programs?