Renewable energy enthusiasts now have reason to celebrate: EVAPCO offers a solar-powered evaporative cooling tower. The SUN cooling tower is paired with PV panels to dramatically reduce energy consumption.
In addition to the standard tools maternity providers have, midwives have one very unique tool: lots and lots of water! The priority is finding a water heater that could provide this high volume of hot water continuously.
As more and more data centers emerge, HVAC manufacturers have been prompted to introduce more products that recover excess heat and put it to good use.
Some manufacturers are taking their dedication to decarbonization and electrification a step further by participating in the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Residential Cold Climate Heat Pump (CCHP) Technology Challenge.
From ice machines to reach-ins to controls to components, the Showcase is designed to educate contractors about the new commercial and industrial refrigeration products available, so they can help their customers make the right choice for their application.
Food retailers have identified the top refrigerant leak issues in refrigeration equipment and developed specific equipment specifications that could help mitigate those leaks.
We are happy to highlight these 40 individuals, knowing they represent just a small sample size of people under 40 doing great things in the HVAC industry.
Andy’s impact at Goodman was immediate. Andy not only excelled in the position, but his efforts helped to increase sales and margins resulting from the various programs and promotions he originated.